雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Robert Duncan McNeill recounts the hilarious story of how he was cast as Star Trek: Voyager's Lieutenant Tom Paris after he played Nicholas Locarno years earlier on Star Trek: The Next Generation.

  2. Summary Pavel Chekov played multiple roles throughout his Starfleet career, including navigator, tactical officer, science officer, and first officer. Chekov's scientific knowledge and navigational prowess made him a valuable asset to the USS Enterprise crew. Chekov ...

  3. 因為不妥協,王陽明告訴自己:「這是我的路,我不要往回看。. 」;而成功挑戰了看似不可能的領域,聽聞王陽明的遭遇,王德順也坦誠:「每一次的轉折,都是為了提升一個高度。. 80歲的大陸「老鮮肉」表演藝術家王德順、男星王陽明都出席看展。. (圖 ...

  4. Star Trek: Voyager's Doctor (Robert Picardo) was involved in a number of romances over the course of the show. As a hologram, the Doctor began Voyager as a blank slate of a character, with no past and seemingly no personality or interests.

  5. 洪金寶害怕的人詠春正宗傳人李海生78歲不愿退休仍能堅守崗位. :0:1. 他與狄龍是同門師兄弟,師承葉問徒弟招允是正宗的詠春傳人。. 30多歲才進入電影行業的他,是港片中常見的反派。. 與成龍洪金寶劉家輝等人都有過精彩過招,一身強健的肌肉更是其 ...

  6. 不知道大家可還記得,漫威第一個超級大反派“薩諾斯”的第一次登場嗎?那是在2012年的《復仇者聯盟1》的第一個片尾片段中,當得知洛基入侵地球的計劃失敗後,這位隱藏在幕後的反派露出了邪魅的笑容。

  7. 自從曝出DC正在大量砍掉既定的項目以來,根據THR最新消息,《超人:鋼鐵英雄2》因劇本讓高層不滿意而遭到擱置,另外米高·基頓《蝙蝠俠》個人電影宣布被砍。. 據悉,詹姆斯·岡恩和薩夫蘭在宣布《神力女超人3》導演派蒂·珍金斯退出後,項目陷入了停滯 ...