雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 以完美海岸線和壯麗山巒景色聞名,小眾又不失獨特,近年來更在IG網紅的助推下,讓原本很不起眼的絲島在日本國內也倍受關注起來了呢! 前往絲島的方式並不困難,從「福岡機場」搭乘福岡市營地下鐵至「姪浜」,再轉乘JR筑肥線到「筑前前原」,全程大概需要45分鐘。 但抵達絲島後的移動方式首推自駕,若是和小編一樣不會開車的旅人,不妨也可以選擇租借腳踏車哦! 騎腳踏車玩絲島所需時間建議抓個4小時,若想玩得更深度的話不妨停留6~8小時。 夏日避暑聖地! 白絲之瀑 (白糸の滝) 話說,雖然輕井澤也有一處同名同姓,同樣也是美得不要不要的瀑布,但福岡的白絲之瀑自有它的好。 如果是大清早到達絲島,這時候遊覽壯麗的瀑布,沉浸在清醒的空氣中,來一場洗肺提神之旅就再好不過了。

  2. 2017年11月2日 · Japan has a huge number of amusement parks spread across the country. Some feature modern rides, while others are built around historical experiences. But which are the best to visit? Below we've compiled the Top 12 amusement parks in Japan, as ranked by users on Japan-Guide.com. 12. Yokohama Hakkeijima Sea Paradise (Kanagawa)

  3. 2017年12月11日 · Shinanami Kaido is 70-kilometer (43.5-mile) route connecting six islands over the Seto Inland Sea in west Japan. This popular path for cyclists sports splendid sea views and a few remote beaches. One of our writers, Robert, captured his journey from Onomichi in Hiroshima Prefecture to Imabari in Ehime, sharing with us his notes and impressions.

  4. 2017年5月17日 · Hanamiyama Park near Fukushima City is a sakura wonderland, with a number of meandering paths for all to enjoy. A visitors' center in the park provides maps with recommended walking routes. The best are the longest trails, which climb the sakura -speckled slopes.

  5. 2018年1月7日 · Want a little more than just a soak in hot water? Try an 'onsen' theme park, where a whole world of water-related adventure awaits!

  6. 2020年3月11日 · Situated in the eastern part of Hokkaido, Akan-Mashu National Park features gorgeous caldera lakes and sulfur-spewing volcanic mountains. Naturally, that also means there is no shortage of soothing hot springs to enjoy, some literally on the lakes’ shores.

  7. 2019年1月23日 · Traversing the vast Kushiro Marsh—a national park that makes up roughly six percent of all of Japan’s wetlands—the train offers sights and vistas that can only be glimpsed along this route, including the chance to see far northern wildlife such as Ezo red foxes, red-crowned cranes and Ezo deer.