雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 按揭申請. 免費物業估價. 經此渠道提供的服務之相關條款及細則僅以電子形式提供,如有查詢請聯絡在線客服。. 即時物業估值之條款及細則. 個人資料只供本行作以下或相關用途:考慮是否同意申請人使用即時物業估價服務;對申請人提供或介紹本行的金融或 ...

  2. The Instant Property Valuation is for indication purpose only. Our bank reserves the right to require further valuation of the property concerned and apply such other terms and conditions as our bank may think fit if and when the applicant submits mortgage loan

  3. The Instant Property Valuation is for indication purpose only. Our bank reserves the right to require further valuation of the property concerned and apply such other terms and conditions as our bank may think fit if and when the applicant submits mortgage loan

  4. 搜尋本港主要屋苑單位的網上估價. 您亦可在此選擇屋苑地址。. 香港滙豐. 按揭. 物業估價. 完成以下所有選項來找出物業估值。.

  5. 我們收到客戶提供資料後便會聯絡各大銀行,獲取估價及利率計劃等,惟網上物業估值服務所提供的估值只供參考。. Q2: 網上物業估價是以甚麼作基礎?. 一般銀行估價是假設該物業資料是完整及最新、物業是空置的、不是放租狀態、業權正常穩定、物業情況 ...

  6. For refinance mortgage, you can directly commission a company for property valuation and submit the valuation report to the bank directly. This approach suits under valuated properties like village houses and old buildings.

  7. its.bochk.com › webchat › ibs_webchat_faq_mortgage_eBank of China - 中银香港

    You can apply the “Mortgage Insurance Programme” of The Hong Kong Mortgage Corporation Limited, which offers a mortgage loan of up to 90%* of the purchase price or appraised value (whichever is lower) of the property.

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