雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 起源. 原理. 危險性. 參考來源. 高空彈跳. 臺灣正體. 法國 諾曼第 的高空彈跳. 高空彈跳 ( / ˈbʌndʒiː / ;英語: Bungee Jumping 或「 Bungy Jumping 」,又譯「 蹦極 」、「 笨豬跳 」、「 綁緊跳 」)是一種人們利用有彈性的 繩 索一邊繫著身體或足 踝 ,另一邊繫著高處平台(通常是數十至過百 公尺 ),然後從高台一躍跳下的活動。 起源 [ 編輯] 高空彈跳起源於南太平洋 紐西蘭 原住民 萬那杜 族的成人禮 陸潛 ( land diving ),同時也測試體力與膽量。 當地孩子到15歲時就會舉行陸潛,在腳踝上綁樹枝、樹藤,然後從30公尺的高台往地面跳的儀式。 原理 [ 編輯]

  2. 蹦極 ( Bungee Jumping ),也叫機索跳,白話叫笨豬跳,是近些年來新興的一項非常刺激的戶外休閒活動。. 跳躍者站在約40米以上(相當於10層樓)高度的橋樑、塔頂、高樓、 吊車 甚至 熱氣球 上,把一端固定的一根長長的橡皮條綁在踝關節處然後兩 臂 伸開,雙腿 ...

  3. 起源. 原理. 危險性. 参考来源. 蹦极. 法國 諾曼第 的高空彈跳. 蹦极跳 ( / ˈbʌndʒiː / ;英語: Bungee Jumping 或「 Bungy Jumping 」,又譯「 高空弹跳 」、「 笨猪跳 」、「 绑紧跳 」)是一種人們利用有彈性的 繩 索一邊繫著身體或足 踝 ,另一邊繫著高處平台(通常是數十至過百 公尺 ),然後從高台一躍跳下的活動。 起源. 高空彈跳起源於南太平洋 紐西蘭 原住民 瓦努阿圖 族的成人禮 陸潛 ( land diving ),同時也測試體力與膽量。 當地孩子到15歲時就會舉行陸潛,在腳踝上綁樹枝、樹藤,然後從30公尺的高台往地面跳的儀式。 原理.

    • Early Tethered Jumping
    • Etymology
    • Modern Sport
    • Equipment
    • The Highest Jump
    • Variations
    • Risk of Injury
    • In Popular Culture
    • Further Reading
    • External Links

    The land diving (Sa: Gol) of Pentecost Island in Vanuatu is an ancient ritual in which young men jump from tall wooden platforms with vines tied to their ankles as a test of their courage and passage into manhood. Unlike in modern bungee-jumping, land-divers intentionally hit the ground, but the vines absorb sufficient force to make the impact non-...

    The word "bungee" originates from West Country dialect of the English language, meaning "Anything thick and squat", as defined by James Jennings in his book "Observations of Some of the Dialects in The West of England" published 1825. In 1928, the word started to be used for a rubber eraser. The Oxford English Dictionary records early use of the ph...

    The first modern bungee jumps were made on 1 April 1979 from the 76-metre (250 ft) Clifton Suspension Bridge in Bristol, England, by David Kirke and Simon Keeling, members of the Oxford University Dangerous Sports Club, and Geoff Tabin, a professional climber who tied the ropes for the jump. The students had come up with the idea after discussing t...

    The elastic rope first used in bungee jumping, and still used by many commercial operators, is factory-produced braided shock cord. This special bungee cord consists of many latex strands enclosed in a tough outer cover. The outer cover may be applied when the latex is pre-stressed, so that the cord's resistance to extension is already significant ...

    Milad towerbungee jumping with a height of 280 meters is the highest jumping platform in the world In August 2005, AJ Hackett added a SkyJump to the Macau Tower, making it the world's highest jump at 233 metres (764 ft). The SkyJump did not qualify as the world's highest bungeeas it is not strictly speaking a bungee jump, but instead what is referr...


    In "Catapult" (Reverse Bungee or Bungee Rocket), the jumper starts on the ground.The jumper is secured and the cord is stretched, then released and shooting the jumper up into the air. This is often achieved using either a crane or a hoist attached to a (semi-)perma structure. This simplifies the action of stretching the cord and later lowering the participant to the ground.


    "Bungy Trampoline" uses elements from bungy and trampolining. The participant begins on a trampoline and is fitted into a body harness, which is attached via bungy cords to two high poles on either side of the trampoline. As they begin to jump, the bungy cords are tightened, allowing a higher jump than could normally be made from a trampolinealone.


    "Bungee Running" involves no jumping as such. It merely consists of, as the name suggests, running along a track (often inflatable) with a bungee cord attached. One often has a velcro-backed marker that marks how far the runner got before the bungee cord pulled back. This activity can often be found at fairs and carnivals and is often most popular with children.

    Bungee jumping injuries may be divided into those that occur after jumping secondary to equipment mishap or tragic accident, and those that occur regardless of safety measures. In the first instance, injury can happen if the safety harness fails, the cord length is miscalculated, or the cord is not properly connected to the jump platform. In 1986, ...

    In the film GoldenEye and its associated videogame, James Bond makes a jump over the edge of a dam in Russia (in reality the dam is in Switzerland: Verzasca Dam, and the jump was genuine, not an animated special effect). The jump in the dam later makes an appearance as a Roadblock task in the 14th season of the reality competition series The Amazin...

    Srinivasan, Prianka (13 January 2020). "Bungee jumping came from Vanuatu — now Indigenous groups want to protect their customs". ABC News. Australian Broadcasting Corporation.

  4. bungee jumping, sport in which the jumper falls from a high place with a rubber (“bungee”) cord attached both to his or her feet and to the jump site, and, after a period of headfirst free fall, is bounced partway back when the cord rebounds from its maximum stretch.

    • The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica
  5. 2023年8月17日 · Bungee jumping, a thrilling extreme sport that has captured the hearts of adrenaline junkies worldwide, has a fascinating history that dates back to ancient times.

  6. Theory has it that what could be described as the first bungee jumps originated on Pentecost Island in the South Pacific thousands of years ago. The Naghol land diving ritual is the earliest recorded instance of an activity that could be compared to bungee jumping. Date unknown: the Naghol ritual of land diving.