雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. order.cova.com.hk › en › categoryCova 1817

    Oatmeal Cake (New Recipe) From $298. -. +. View. Cakes. From 5 Inches.

  2. order.cova.com.hk › tc › categoryCova 1817

    燕麥慕絲蛋糕 (新配方) $298 起. -. +. 查看.

  3. order.cova.com.hk › tcCova 1817

    COVA精選 水果 忌廉 朱古力 芝士 慕絲 批及撻 生酮 節日產品 月餅禮盒 原箱月餅禮盒 月餅禮券 節日禮籃 甜品 甜品 撻 迷你甜品及撻 甜品杯 Cova 禮品 朱古力及曲奇 咖啡及茶 禮券 餐廳訂座 分店位置 關於我們 購物車 (0) 查詢訂單

  4. order.cova.com.hk › tc › categoryCova 1817

    因應朱古力牌的大小和形狀,COVA有權修改祝福語文字的大小、排列位置及次序而不作另行通知。 我們保留對巧克力牌上的文字、在線提供的商品類型或數量施加限制的權利,和/或拒絕任何在線訂單的權利,恕不另行通知。

  5. order.cova.com.hk › tc › aboutUsCova 1817

    憑著逾200年的意大利工藝,香港COVA 多年來沿用米蘭獲獎的配方,全人手製作蛋糕和甜點,提供經典意大利菜式及多款由米蘭直接空運到港的經典朱古力和禮盒。

  6. order.cova.com.hk › en › categoryCova 1817

    Pistachio Delight. Inspired by our signature tiramisu from Italy, the alchemy of pistachio and coffee, the new cake combines nutty pistachio cream, pistachio chiffon and mascarpone cheese cream. Dipped with Cova espresso from Milan, the bottom ladyfingers are all homemade.

  7. order.cova.com.hk › en › aboutUsCova 1817

    Offering food lovers authentic Italian cuisine, a selection of sensational fresh cakes and desserts as well as renowned chocolates and confectioneries directly imported from Milan, Cova Hong Kong has 13 retail outlets and 6 Caffè in operation, with the majority of

  8. order.cova.com.hk › en › categoryCova 1817

    Chestnut purée and fresh cream in 3 layers of sponge cake, decorated with chestnut cream, marrons glacés imported from Italy and pistachio bites. A complimentary chocolate plaque is included for each whole cake. No vulgar, abusive or indecent wording for customized greetings will be accepted.

  9. order.cova.com.hk › en › contactUsCova 1817

    Welcome to COVA Hong Kong, we look forward to your visits to our Pasticceria and Caffes. Our customer service will be pleased to assist you at info@cova.com.hk or 28329008. The service is open from Monday to Friday, 9 am to 1pm and 2pm to 6pm.

  10. order.cova.com.hk › tc › categoryCova 1817

    COVA保留一切權利(包括但不限於拒絕製作顧客所訂購的蛋糕) 而不作另行通知。 因應朱古力牌的大小和形狀,COVA有權修改祝福語文字的大小、排列位置及次序而不作另行通知。

  1. cova cake menu 相關

  2. Making candy and memories from scratch for over forty years. Shop our Kitchen now! Premium Southern Candy, Original Pralines, Famous Layer Cakes, Turtle Gophers & More.

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