雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2888 1010 1O1O Product Hotline: 2988 1010 24-Hour Overseas Emergency Hotline: +852 3477 4088 (Only for 1O1O mobile number call the Overseas Emergency Hotline, the roaming charges are waived)

  2. 新會員輸入優惠碼:NEW200 首次購物滿$2,000,即減$200!網購各式最新最潮電子產品及家電:智能手機、手機配件、平板電腦及家庭電器等。立即click入嚟選購!

  3. 1O1O 網上商店為您提供合適服務計劃, 及搜羅環球獨特體驗及禮遇.

  4. 立即查看 1O1O 最新5G 手機、上台月費計劃及買機上台優惠,訂造嶄新 5G 視聽娛樂體驗!. 現有客戶亦享5G 升級禮遇及額外增值服務,立即了解更多。. 立即查看 1O1O 最新5G 手機、上台月費計劃及買機上台優惠,訂造嶄新 5G 視聽娛樂體驗!.

  5. 1O1O 致力提供優質顧客服務,顧客如身處香港或外地,撥打以下服務熱線即可聯絡我們:. 客戶服務熱線. 一般查詢熱線 : 2888 1010. 24小時國際免費客戶服務熱線: +800 2888 1010. 中國免費客戶服務熱線: 400 120 1010. 商業客戶服務熱線. 商業客戶服務專線 : 2304 1010. 註 ...

  6. 1010.com.hk › en › node登入 | 1O1O

    登入| 請輸入您的流動電話號碼並按 「 一次性密碼」鍵,一次性密碼將以短訊及/或電子郵件形式發送給您。. 當您輸入一次性密碼後,請按 "驗證" 鍵及輸入現有密碼後再按 "登入" 鍵。.

  7. We run the biggest dedicated customer service fleet in Hong Kong, providing world-class and round-the-clock support, locally and internationally. Just call our hotline whenever you experience problems using your mobile phone overseas.

  8. 2888 1010 1O1O Product Hotline: 2988 1010 24-Hour Overseas Emergency Hotline: +852 3477 4088 (Only for 1O1O mobile number call the Overseas Emergency Hotline, the roaming charges are waived)

  9. Buy the latest iPhone16 series. Subscribe to a designated 5G Prestige Service to qualify for privileges worth up to HK$6,200 (2) iPhone 16 Pro Max. Handset discount offer. up to. HK$2,800. (Suggested retail price starting from HK$10,199) iPhone 16 Pro. Handset discount offer.

  10. 1010.com.hk › en › theclubTHE CLUB | 1O1O

    HK$18 monthly admin fee payable. 1O1O 5G service is applicable to designated areas with a compatible device. 3G/4G service is provided, if outside 5G coverage. The Offer is provided by The Club. The Offer and its related Platinum membership are subject to the terms and conditions of Club HKT Limited.

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