雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. This article provides an overview on the marriage and divorce trends in Hong Kong from 1991 to 2020. There has been an increasing tendency towards marriage postponement or non-marriage in both genders. In 2016, 32.4% of males and 28.0% of females had never been married (figures excluding foreign domestic helpers).

  2. In the UK, Norway, and South Korea, divorce rates more than tripled. Since then divorce rates declined in many countries. The trends vary substantially from country to country. In the chart, the US stands out as a bit of an outlier, with consistently higher divorce

  3. Amidst the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the number of registered marriages dropped remarkably to 27 863 in 2020, whereas the crude divorce rate also decreased to 2.14 per 1 000 population.

  4. 此外,在2016 年50 008宗香港登記結婚數字中,新郎及新娘均為香港人的婚姻佔54.6%, 中港跨境婚姻則佔34.7%,後者的比例遠高於1991 年。. 另一方面,離婚的數目持續上升,2016年以每千名人口計算的粗離婚率是2.34 人,是1991年的兩倍多。. This article provides an overview on the marriage ...

  5. 香港離婚率上升的原因是一個複雜而多元的議題。 經濟壓力、社會價值觀念轉變以及婚姻溝通和壓力管理問題都可能對離婚率上升起到作用。 理解這些原因有助於提供更好的支持和資源,以幫助夫妻維護健康的婚姻關係。 此外,提供更多的婚前輔導和婚姻輔導服務,加強夫妻之間的溝通和解決衝突的能力,也是降低離婚率的重要措施。 此篇文章剖析香港離婚率上升的原因,原來經濟壓力、債務還款能力、家庭財務、價值觀念轉變和溝通問題等因素對婚姻產生影響。 這篇文章探討香港離婚律上升的背後原因,提供洞察和可能的應對方案。

  6. Divorce has become an increasingly serious social problem in Hong Kong. It presents complicated challenges to individuals and families, including physical, psychological, familial,

  7. Hong Kong has the seventh highest divorce rate in the world. It hasn’t always been that way. Forty years ago, with a population of about five million, fewer than 2,000 divorces were granted each year. Today, with seven million people, the figure hovers around 23,000 a year.

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