雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Prices & Times. Rates and opening times to visit the Eiffel Tower. Prices: €14,20 to €35.30 maximum for adults and €3,60 to €17.70 for children and young people.

  2. The Eiffel Tower’s online box office allows you to purchase your ticket online for the 2nd floor or the Summit at the official rate. You can purchase individual e-tickets for up to 9 people. Tickets can also be purchased several weeks in advance.

  3. Discover or visit the tower: buy a ticket (11.8 to 29.4 € maximum for adults and 3 to 14.7 € for children and young people), news and practical information.

  4. 参观埃菲尔铁塔的价格和时间。. 价格:成人最高 14.20 欧元至 35.3 欧元,儿童和青少年最高 3.6 欧元至 17.70 欧元.

  5. 請勿前往艾菲爾鐵塔(Eiffel Tower)領取您的門票。 請務必在您的憑證上指定的集合點兌換您的門票. 節省寶貴的觀光時間,並避免在巴黎最著名地標排隊的漫長隊伍. 乘坐高速電梯,欣賞城市 360° 全景. 從 115 公尺高處欣賞著名地標,如聖母院、聖心堂(The Basilica of Sacred Heart of Paris)和凱旋門. 選擇進入所有 3 個樓層,在玻璃電梯中升至 276 公尺高的頂峰,欣賞真正獨特的景色. 與您的導遊一起探索紀念碑的歷史和遺產. 查看更多. 方案選項. 最新評價. 4.0 / 5. 871則評價. 查看全部評價. Mansi ***** 10月23日. 透過Klook客路購買艾菲爾鐵塔山頂和二樓門票有助於避免排隊。

  6. The cost of a ticket to ascend the Eiffel Tower varies for adults and children and whether you want to reach the summit or stop at the second floor. For an adult who wants to ascend to the 2nd floor, prices start from €11 and go up to nearly €30 for the summit .

  7. You must have Eiffel Tower reservations such as a ticket (or a tour voucher, or Eiffel Tower restaurant reservation confirmation or concert ticket) to enter the Eiffel Tower. Four basic types of tickets are available (in addition to 1st Level-only access provided by restaurant reservations or concert tickets) based on which floors you want to ...

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