Global Funeral Parlour (GFP) is located in a transportation hub, Hung Hom, neighbours the other funeral parlour of TWGHs, International Funeral Parlour. Renovation works are finished before operation. GFP has 5 funeral halls and 16 reposing rooms which capable for 40 to 180 people and suitable for all faiths and cultures.
鑽石山殯儀館將於2024年10月24日晚上10:00至2024年10月25日零晨1:00進行固定電力裝置定期檢查,期間館內各項設備 (例如:空調、電梯、照明等) 會暫停運作。. 工程進行期間,全館將於該時段內封閉並暫停使用。. 如有查詢,請致電2326-0121與本館職員聯絡,工程期間 ...
Provide funeral consultation, budgeting and direct funeral arrangement services to the bereaved families for all faiths and cultures; Provide the reliable, quality and non-profit funeral services; Provide free service and low priced service packages to cater to the needs of the underprivileged;
Provide funeral consultation, budgeting and direct funeral arrangement services to the bereaved families for all faiths and cultures; Provide the reliable, quality and non-profit funeral services; Provide low priced service packages to cater to the needs of the underprivileged;
寰宇殯儀館座落於九龍紅磡區,位處交通要點,比鄰萬國殯儀館。. 本館開業前已進行全面裝修,設備完善,寬敞舒適。. 館內設有5間禮堂及16間靈寢室,分別可容納40至180人,適合多種宗教儀式所使用。. 寰宇殯儀館亦提供明碼實價的殯儀服務及綜緩殯儀服務 ...
萬國殯儀館 地址:九龍紅磡暢行道8 號 電話:2303-1234 電郵:ifp@tungwah.org.hk 免費諮詢熱線:2303-1234 萬國殯儀館 環保院出喪禮套裝((約約$$111,,778800)) * 以上資料僅供參考,詳情概與東華三院萬國殯儀館最新公佈資料作準。
International Funeral Parlour offers a variety of funeral service packages suitable for different religious rituals, with prices that are clearly stated. Relatives of the deceased can select services based on their own needs.
服務範圍. 為廣大市民及不同宗教信仰人士提供直接殯儀諮詢、預算及喪葬安排. 提供各種明碼實價,豐儉隨意之非牟利殯儀服務. 為經濟有困難之喪主,提供 綜援殮葬服務. 提供 「善壽服務」,協助參加者預早規劃後事安排. 定期舉辦生死教育的講座及推廣活動 ...
東華三院屬下設有3間殯儀館,為有需要的市民提供高質素而價錢合理的殯儀服務。 主頁 殯儀館介紹 萬國殯儀館 鑽石山殯儀館 寰宇殯儀館 服務範圍 背景與發展 場地設施 棺木選擇 主要喪禮儀式
Complete and submit the application form to TWGHs International Funeral Parlour, Diamond Hill Funeral Parlour, Global Funeral Parlour and other affiliated units in person. TWGHs Affiliated Units: Hong Kong Island