雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2014年11月3日 · This year guests are encouraged to embrace Hong Kong’s Roaring Twenties and to dress to impress while getting into the spirit of the vintage event. Gifts and prizes will be awarded for best-dressed attendees.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  2. 2023年11月9日 · 入場資料. 香港國際汽車博覽將於 12 月 14 至 17 日於香港亞洲國際博覽館舉行,分別於 3、6、8 及 10 號館,開放時間為上午 11 時至晚上 8 時(17 日至晚上 7 時)。 標準門票售價 $80,而單日內無限次進出會場門票售價為 $280,門票包括可使用貴賓廊及貴賓禮物。 現時已可於 IMXpo 官網 購買門票。 Gold Coast Motor Festival (GCMF) 汽車的美不止於其動態,靜態的汽車同樣極具欣賞價值,尤其是經典名車,古典線條及氣派別具吸引力。

    • 香港九龍觀塘鴻圖道1號37樓15-20室
    • 3113 2112
  3. Therefore, insurers will generally quote a higher premium for a vehicle with a bigger engine. In other words, if you are considering that sleek BMW M760i (which comes with a 6,592cc v12 engine), know that you will be paying considerably more for insurance than say a BMW 740 Li which has a V6 engine and about half the total engine capacity.

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  4. Why Insured By Kwiksure. Founded in 2000, Kwiksure is a leading motorcycle insurance broker in Hong Kong comparing third-party and comprehensive motorcycle insurance plan quotes from over 60 insurers in Hong Kong. As a broker, we always prioritize the interests of our customers as we guide you towards securing the best plan based on your budget ...

  5. Kwiksure has partnered with all the top insurers in Hong Kong. We are committed to offering the highest quality insurance products and services to all customers. Home >> Insurers Insurers We have partnered with all the top insurers in Hong Kong to be able to offer

    • Unit 15-20, 37/F, One Hung To Road, Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong
    • 3113 1331
  6. 2022年8月23日 · 汽車保險是每個司機都無法避免的開支,不少人因為價格關係而選擇了三保,但便宜是否必然等於合適? 汽車三保及全保在保障上的分別,你又是否了解? 其實要慳錢的話,不如先了解一下保險公司是如何釐定每個司機的保費,例如車主駕駛經驗、汽車品牌等。 下文我們會逐點分析保險公司訂定保費時的 9 個主要因素。 只要了解箇中原理,說不定可助你每年節省大筆保費。 汽車保險是否一定要買? 根據《汽車保險(第三者風險)條例》(第272章)第4條,所有車主都必須為其汽車購買第三者保險,以賠償汽車一旦對第三者造成人身傷亡的責任。 違者可被罰款港幣 $10,000 及監禁 12 個月,亦可能會被吊銷駕駛執照 12 個月至 3 年。 比較汽車三保 VS 全保保障範圍.

  7. 第三者汽車保險是本港法例的基本要求,保障第三方的權益,但不會為投保車主及座駕提供任何保障。. 了解更多. 快而保比較全港逾 60 間保險公司的汽車保險 (全保及三保) 報價,當中全保更涵蓋汽車損毀、第三者人身傷亡與財物損失等基本保障,加上特低墊底 ...

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