以港幣$4,600(三針)/ 港幣$3,300(兩針)預約 9合1 HPV疫苗注射計劃: 優惠期由2024年1月2日至2024年12月31日(包括首尾兩天)。 9合1 HPV疫苗注射計劃費用包括首次醫生診症費及所需注射費。
人類乳頭瘤病毒疫苗(簡稱 HPV 疫苗,又稱子宮頸癌疫苗)是一種預防性疫苗,能預防子宮頸癌及其他因感染 HPV 而引致的癌症和疾病。 在香港,約九成的子宮頸癌是由 HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 型病毒感染而引起。
The 9-in-1 HPV vaccination package includes the first-time doctor’s consultation and required vaccination fee. Advance booking is required. Please specify the vaccination programme at the time of booking and contact Gleneagles Medical Clinic Central, Hong Kong at (+852) 2810 9188 for an appointment.
2023年7月26日 · 世界衛生組織(WHO)建議對9~14歲性行為尚未活躍的年齡層提供 HPV 疫苗的接種服務,目前香港也提供小學五至六年級年齡段的女生免費疫苗的施打。 雖然過去認為只有女性會被感染,但根據美國國衛院2017年公佈的數據顯示,男性HPV罹患率為45.2%,也就是說大約兩個男生中就有一人有HPV的感染,這個數據明顯高於女性。 此外,根據《JAMA》的研究發現,男性在18~22歲感染的比率是28.9%,出社會後的22~27歲感染率則增加至46.5%,比率大幅上升! 這可能是因為感染 HPV 的男性比女性更不易產生抗體,因此容易反覆感染;且根據統計,男性的性伴侶數並沒有隨年紀下降,因此持續感染 HPV 的機率也較高。
2024年9月23日 · HPV vaccine is a prophylactic vaccine to prevent cervical cancer as well as other HPV-related cancers or diseases. In Hong Kong, HPV-16, 18, 31, 33, 45, 52, 58 accounted for about 90% of cases of cervical cancer. All the above seven genotypes are included in the 9-valent HPV vaccine. How to receive HPV vaccination?
2023年9月11日 · 如有懷疑,切勿提供個人資料,並致電2572 0211與本集團聯絡。
Under a two-dose schedule, the prices of the four available HPV vaccine types cannot exceed $26–$36 per dose (44.1%–80.2% reduction from current market prices) depending on vaccine type to ensure the cost-effectiveness of the national programme.
In addition to the four Human Papillomavirus (HPV) types in the original Gardasil HPV Vaccine (6, 11, 16, and 18), the new Gardasil 9 covers 5 more HPV types, 31, 33, 45, 52 & 58. The 9 HPV types is estimated to contribute to 90% of cervical cancer worldwide.
HPV vaccine showed that the cost-effectiveness of a universal programme in Hong Kong depended on the vaccine price and duration of protection. The vaccine would not be cost-effective should the current private sector market price of the vaccine remain 12.
A reduction in the domestic HPV vaccine price is necessary to ascertain a good economic return for the future vaccination programme. The findings provide important evidence that informs health policies for cervical cancer prevention in China.