Average Buying Rate in Hong Kong Dollar. ( Buying rate is used to convert chargeable income received in foreign currency into Hong Kong dollars ) 2023/24 Average Exchange Rates of Major Foreign Currencies for Salaries Tax Purposes. From 1.4.2023 to last day of month.
Average Exchange Rates of Major Foreign Currencies for Profits Tax Purposes. For the year 2024/25. For the year 2023/24. For the year 2022/23. For the year 2021/22. For the year 2020/21. For the year 2019/20. For the year 2018/19. For the year 2017/18.
Average Exchange Rates of Major Foreign Currencies for Profits Tax Purposes for the year 2023/24 - This table basically consists of nine columns. The header of the table consists of two logical levels.
(1) 100% of the 2023/24 profits tax is waived subject to a ceiling of $3,000 per case. (2) 100% of the 2022/23 profits tax is waived subject to a ceiling of $6,000 per case. (3) 100% of the 2021/22 profits tax is waived subject to a ceiling of $10,000 per case.
2024年4月7日 · In this tax alert, we (1) list out the important due dates for 2023/24 profits tax filing and other tax reporting obligations, (2) highlight the major changes to the 2023/24 profits tax returns and the new/revised forms for profits tax filing, (3) discuss the key Hong Kong profits tax developments that may impact the 2023/24 profits tax filing ...