雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Tokyo has one of the world's most vibrant art scenes. Visit the city's many modern, contemporary, and traditional Japanese art museums. Spread throughout the city, these museums showcase centuries-old Japanese art, modern and contemporary art, and the works of world-class international artists.

  2. 剧场于2012年改建,重新开放的剧场引进了新的音响系统,想必能让观众陶醉在日本最巅峰的管弦乐团演奏的音乐中,鉴赏著名歌剧,感受情感的波动。 东京艺术剧场也是代表日本的管弦乐团读卖日本交响乐团举行活动的主要会场。 对舞台艺术感兴趣的人可以在这里看到反映家里蹲、东日本大地震等,现在日本面临的问题的戏剧和舞蹈表演。 请在官网上查询演出内容与门票信息。 查看地图. 换乘指南. 交通方式. 池袋站JR线东京Metro地铁东武线西武池袋线 2b出口直通. 联系方式. 网站. 周边地区. 东京北部区域旅游景点. 池袋. 关键词. 剧院及影院. 剧院及技艺. 夜游景点. 娱乐. 开放时间. 9:00~22:00. 周一周二周三周四周五周六周日节假日. ※因季节或时期而有所变动. 设施信息.

  3. 2023年10月19日 · 11月東京的觀光景點與活動推薦. Updated: October 19, 2023. 推薦11月的東京嗎? 整個秋季都是造訪東京的好時節,但是若要欣賞濃烈似火的楓葉,11月絕對是最佳時期。 尤其是明治神宮外苑的美麗銀杏樹和新宿御苑菊花壇展的花卉在此時最為美不勝收。 除了這些自然的觀光景點,11月還有淺草「酉市」等豐富多彩的文化活動。 11月的東京天氣如何? 11月東京的平均氣溫在白天約13度,夜晚為4度左右,通常上旬的氣溫略高。 白天需留意溫差變化,且到了傍晚會感到微寒。 尤其是到下旬時,建議穿著薄外套或毛衣。 11月期間東京較為乾燥,平均降雨量為96公釐。 11月的人氣活動與祭典. 東京的秋楓. 11月是最佳賞楓時期,此時前來東京可欣賞到最為動人的楓葉美景。

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  4. History Museums. See All. Find Out More. Broaden your knowledge as you learn about everything from historical figures to humble stamps. Many have interactive exhibits, making them popular destinations for families. Be on the lookout for special museum passes, allowing you to visit multiple locations over a period of time.

  5. 2023年12月14日 · Built by Prince Asaka Yasuhiko upon his return from America in the 1930s, the historic mansion that now houses the Tokyo Metropolitan Teien Art Museum's collection is a piece of art itself.

  6. 2024年3月1日 · Located within some of the most notable architectural landmarks in the city, Tokyo’s must-see art destinations, which include the Mori Art Museum, the Nezu Museum, the Tokyo National Museum, and The National Art Center, play host to some of the hottest Japanese and international exhibitions.

  7. Shimokitazawa, also known as "Shimokita," is only a stone's throw from Shibuya and Shinjuku, but the intensity of the city drops a few degrees when you pull into the station. This laid-back bohemian district is home to vintage clothing stores, select bookstores, music shops and funky, distinctive cafés and bars.

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