雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. lcci商業英語課程 相關

  2. 課程配合業界最新發展,銜接本地/英國/澳洲等海外大學學士學位,就業率平均90%。 課程選擇涵蓋7大專業範疇,約100項課程選擇,全屬政府資助,銜接本地及海外大學


  1. 2018年8月17日 · English Conversation School 101. Ellery Smith Updated August 17, 2018. Information Teaching English. www.manabow.net. Before you start applying to work for any of Japan's five biggest English conversation schools, you'll definitely want to check out the lay of the land in the eikaiwa (English conversation) industry. Experience & Qualifications.

  2. 2016年4月12日 · 7 Key Resource Sites for English Teachers. Jessica Famularo Updated April 12, 2016. Teaching English. Moving to Japan to teach English is an exciting, but nerve-racking, prospect.

  3. 2017年10月16日 · Another way to get started teaching corporate lessons to professionals is through building a reputation and word-of-mouth. Perhaps one of your eikaiwa students wants to introduce you to the HR manager at their company, or maybe you currently have one-on-one lessons with the president of a company and they want you to bring your skills to their employees.

  4. 由美國新創企業AKA開發的支援英語學習的小型機器人Musio目前已成功打入日本市場接下來讓我們來聽聽首席戰略官CSO布萊恩李先生分享其成功背後的祕密故事吧! 「Musio有著白色的圓滾滾體型在高約30公分的二頭身上有雙可愛的眼睛它會說完美的英文是能夠支援日本高需求英語學習的小型機器人。 開發Musio的AKA設立於2009年,是以「讓人類跟機器人能成為好朋友的世界」為目標,開發人工智慧溝通引擎及機器人的美國新創公司。 該公司在美國某群眾募資網站募集機器人開發資金時,發現了一件事──「儘管在日本是沒什麼知名度的網頁,但日本的出資者人數卻是最多的」日本法人首席戰略官CSO布萊恩・李先生如此說道。 這是AKA從2015年開始到日本發展事業的理由之一。

  5. 2016年2月22日 · 奈良市有著日本忍術協會創建的日本國內唯一一所忍術學校。無論男女老少、年齡大小,只要在這裡上課誰都可以拿到忍者執照,成為真正的忍者。 【一日體驗入學-2000日元】和【兩天一夜含住宿入學-4000日元】兩種課程可以任意選擇,而且這所學院平常工作日是不上課的哦(有沒有很爽),只在周 ...

  6. 2017年10月16日 · You can also use Loppi machines to for sports tickets, online shopping and a number of other services, such as advanced purchase of DVDs and gift items, and applications for certification tests. Below, we'll outline some of the most common tickets you can get on the machine—including how to get them even if you don't read Japanese!

  7. 2019年3月27日 · Reviewing these 10 phrases can make your Japan shopping excursion that much easier! We've gone with the phonetic reading to make things simple, but just remember that verbs ending in dess or mass should formally be written as desu or masu. Now read up and get ready to hit the shops! ① I'm just looking. Pronunciation: Chotto miru dake dess ...

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