雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2016年10月4日 · 3 Historic Fan Shops in Kyoto. Kyoto’s rich history even extends to its many shops and these shinise, or historic shops, are some of the Kyoto's oldest. In fact, these three fan shops are among Japan's most historic, with some dating as far back as the 17th century! 3. Aiba. Aiba has been continuously selling traditional Japanese fans since 1689.

  2. 最後來說說參加日本當地旅行團的注意事項。. 1.嚴禁遲到。. 旅行團行程都是很緊湊的,巴士一定得定時出發不等人,以免耽誤後續行程,要是錯過出發時刻也只能含淚說再見啦。. 2.因天候或車況因素部分行程有可能取消。. 尤其如果碰到連續假期塞車的機率更 ...

  3. 2016年2月2日 · 在五花八門的日本傳統點心中,團子(dango)佔有很大的地位。就像湯圓(元宵)之於中國人,團子是一種老少咸宜且物美價廉的日本家常點心。在各地的民俗中團子也扮演著重要角色,比如正月二十吃的“二十日團子”,春天和秋天吃的“彼岸團子”,4月8日的“佛生會團子”,中秋節的“月見團 ...

  4. 2021年3月3日 · One of Japan's most prolific authors has something new for fans: a collaboration with Uniqlo! Haruki Murakami and Uniqlo have teamed up for a line of T-shirts inspired by the author’s novels like “Norwegian Wood” and “1Q84,” as well as his radio program.

  5. 2022年3月8日 · 无论你是从海外转成飞来东京躲避烦忧,与爱侣约会,还是平时就住在这里,周末来谈谈情逛逛街,大家面临的共同难题或许是,可去的地方太多,不知如何抉择。这边刚刚流连于能享受顶级饕餮的米芝连星级餐厅,那边双双做好静谧爵士酒吧,点两杯威士忌,看窗外无敌湾景。无数商场,无数小店 ...

  6. 2017年10月16日 · From here, the process is exactly the same. If you'd like shorthand notes, you can also find a basic summary of the process here . 1. 2. 3. Loppi ticket machines are a convenient way to get tickets for sports events, concerts and theater, as well as day passes for Universal Studios Japan, Disneyland and the Ghibli Museum!

  7. They're our authors! All About Japan and Japanese stuff! Find anime, music, castles, food, restaurants, videos, shopping, travel tips and more. New mega-feature every Monday!