雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. You may need particular government licences, permits, certificates and approvals to start your business operations in Hong Kong. You can try the Business Licence Information Service to acquire online the kinds of licences you need to operate your business.

  2. 一文了解生態、創業步驟、基金及資源. 儘管疫情為經濟帶來沉重打擊,但嚴峻的營商環境並沒有嚇怕一眾初創企業。 截至2021年,香港共有3,755間初創企業,初創僱員亦較去年增加29%。 究竟初創的定義是甚麼? 港府有哪些初創支援計劃? 經營初創公司又有哪些注意事項? 馬上和Preface一起了解更多! 初創(Start Up)是什麼? 「初創」無疑是近年商界和投資界最熱門的話題之一。 話雖如此,很多人還是會混淆了 「初創公司」和 「小型企業」,其實兩者大有不同。 簡單來說,初創公司泛指尚處於起步階段的企業。 這類公司通常具備突破性的商業理念和強大的發展潛力,旨在為市場帶來革命性的產品或服務。 由於不少初創公司都會為傳統行業帶來前所未有的衝擊力,所有又被稱為「破壞者」 (Disruptor)。

  3. Unsure how to start a business in Hong Kong? Here a guide on how you should start your business, the simple steps to incorporate your company with 3E Accounting

  4. 2024年9月11日 · Its business-friendly environment, simplified registration process, and attractive tax benefits make it an ideal destination for starting a business. This guide aims to provide an in-depth understanding of the various aspects of setting up a company in Hong Kong, from legal requirements to operational considerations.

  5. 2024年10月1日 · Foreign companies looking to establish their presence in Hong Kong have three main business structures: a subsidiary company, a branch office, and a representative office. Selecting a particular business structure should align with the company’s strategic business objectives and plans.

  6. Hong Kong is one of the top global cities to set up a business. Getting started is relatively quick and easy, setup costs are low and the overall environment encourages businesses to thrive. InvestHK is always available to assist businesses in Hong Kong.

  7. StartmeupHK is an initiative by Invest Hong Kong, a department of the HKSAR Government helping overseas companies set up in the city. Launched in 2013, StartmeupHK’s mission is to promote Hong Kong as a leading startup destination for entrepreneurship and innovation.