雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. www.watsons-water.comWatsons Water

    Watsons Water one stop online shop, allows you to compare and buy different pure distilled water products according to your customer type. We covered products including Household and Commercial Water Dispensers, Bottled Waters, Coffee Beans, Coffee Machine, juice etc.

  2. Watsons Water is one of the largest manufacturers of pure distilled water in the world with production plants located in Hong Kong and our products are consumed across the Asia-Pacific region etc.

  3. 精選Watsons Water產品 等用品盡在香港屈臣氏, 多樣商品全面符合您的需求。屈臣氏提供COOL, SAN BENEDETTO, WATSON'S, WATSONS, iF等過千種熱賣美容、護膚、個人護理、保健產品及獨家精選優惠供您選購心水產品。

  4. JUICY, SAN BENEDETTO, WATSONS WATER items available. Buy top health & beauty brands at great price at Watsons Hong Kong. Discover new products, sales & promotions for skincare, cosmetics, personal care, and more!

  5. 屈臣氏蒸餾水竭盡所能承諾達至最佳品質,亦因此在全亞洲享譽為最清純、最受歡迎的飲用水。 我們著重每個生產細節,由濾水、蒸餾、消毒,以至製瓶及包裝設計,均嚴謹地進行研究和測試。 我們擁有全球最大的蒸餾水廠,亦是全港唯一自行生產零售、商用及家庭裝瓶裝水的公司。 業務現已擴展至中國內地,銷售Pierval、Spa及San Benedetto等主要礦泉水品牌,進一步提升我們在市場上的領導地位。 2015年,我們率先將蒸餾水水樽改為轉用100%回收PET,以減少耗用原生PET塑膠。 為增加市民回收意欲,我們更於2019年革命性引進 『Green Point 智能膠樽回收機』及 『Green Point 智能斟水機』,同時設有回贈及禮品獎賞功能。 我們希望與顧客一同支持免「廢」暢飲, 創造綠色社區。

  6. 屈臣氏蒸餾水 Watsons Water. 74,748 likes · 844 talking about this. 歡迎來到 Watsons Water Facebook 官方專頁, 立即成為我們的fans, 可獲最新的產品及活動資訊

  7. 屈臣氏水機一覽,比較Wats-MiniS 溫熱水機,Wats-Touch冷熱水機、Watsons Water家用水機及辦公室水機價錢及優惠! 另有至抵價水券,屈臣氏蒸餾水8公升選擇!

  8. As the only company in Hong Kong to produce its own bottled and bulk packaging distilled water for retail, office and domestic supplies, we also operate the world's largest distilled water plant.

  9. Watsons Water started to produce pure distilled water in Hong Kong in 1903 and has become a member of A.S. Watson Group since 1981. Watsons Water continues to improve our products and systems, so that we can continue to supply our valued customers with the healthiest and purest drinking water.

  10. Watsons Water started to produce pure distilled water in Hong Kong in 1903 and has become a member of A.S. Watson Group since 1981. Watsons Water continues to improve our products and systems, so that we can continue to supply our valued customers with the healthiest and purest drinking water.

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