雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. It's a delivery service provided by the partner company selected by Gmarket for more various services optimized for each country. You can choose the Gmarket Global Shipping service at the stage of the order.

  2. Internet Shopping Mall, Auction, Bargaining, Discount Coupon, Event, Gstamp, Gift certificate Change my Preferences

  3. Pumpkin Sticky Rice Yakgwa (Korean Traditional Cookies) ₩13,460 $10.05. 9 %.

  4. Gmarket, a brand of Gmarket LLC, has been a leading e-commerce marketplace in Korea, since it has been founded in 2000. Offering differentiated online commercial platform, it has been sustaining steep growth in the challenging market.

  5. 2020年7月4日 · Gmarket韓國網購愈來愈多香港人選用,因不用飛到韓國亦能買到不少韓國化妝品、時裝及零食。打算嘗試Gmarket網購的女生們,可參考這篇Gmarket詳細教學,讓你清楚了解各種Gmarket購物優惠、集運運費以及會員登記等。

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  7. 2020年3月21日 · 相信大家呢排都少左出街,就算出街都唔敢周圍慢慢行,呢啲時侯就最啱online shopping啦!. 今次就同大家介紹返韓國最大嘅購物網站Gmarket,入面有男女裝、童裝、化妝品,連零食都有,基本上你講得出嘅都可以喺入面搵到㗎,仲要b全部嘢都喺韓國直送添!. 另外 ...

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