雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 辽宁省 ,简称 辽 ,舊稱 奉天省 ,是 中华人民共和国 东北地区 的 省份 , 省會 位于 沈阳市 。 省政府駐沈阳市皇姑区北陵大街45号。 辽宁省东北与 吉林省 接壤,西北与 内蒙古自治区 为邻,西南与 河北省 毗连,是连接 华北地区 与中国东北地区的要道。 辽宁省东南以 鸭绿江 为界河与 朝鲜 隔江相望,南临 黄海 和 渤海 。 辽宁在自古以來便是通往 关外 的軍事要隘,也是將辽东地区聯繫内蒙古通向歐亞國家為交通上所必經之要道。 是 环渤海经济区 的重要组成部分。 历史. 喀左县 东山嘴遗址 出土的 红山文化 孕妇陶塑像,学者认为体现了 女神崇拜 [3] 朝阳市 出土的 辽宁式铜剑 ,又称琵琶形铜剑. 史前至秦汉. 营口 出土的 金牛山文化 表明早在28万年前,辽宁省就有人类在此活动。

    • 沈阳市

      沈阳市 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书. 坐标 :41°47′44″N ...

    • 大连市

      位于 中国 辽东半岛 遼寧省 南端,东濒 黄海 ,西临 渤海 ...

  2. 2024年4月14日 · 辽宁省 ,简称 辽 ,舊稱 奉天省 ,是 中华人民共和国 东北地区 的 省份 , 省會 位于 沈阳市 。 省政府駐沈阳市皇姑区北陵大街45号。 辽宁省东北与 吉林省 接壤,西北与 内蒙古自治区 为邻,西南与 河北省 毗连,是连接 华北地区 与中国东北地区的要道。 辽宁省东南以 鸭绿江 为界河与 朝鲜 隔江相望,南临 黄海 和 渤海 。 辽宁在自古以來便是通往 关外 的軍事要隘,也是將辽东地区聯繫内蒙古通向歐亞國家為交通上所必經之要道。 是 环渤海经济区 的重要组成部分。 历史 [ 编辑] 主条目: 辽宁历史. 喀左县 东山嘴遗址 出土的 红山文化 孕妇陶塑像,学者认为体现了 女神崇拜 [3] 朝阳市 出土的 辽宁式铜剑 ,又称琵琶形铜剑. 史前至秦汉 [ 编辑]

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  4. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › LiaoningLiaoning - Wikipedia

    • Name
    • History
    • Geography
    • Paleontology
    • Politics
    • Administrative Divisions
    • Economy
    • Demographics
    • Religion
    • Tourism

    Liaoning is named after the Liao River that runs through the province. Ning (宁, "peace") is used frequently in Chinese place names including Ningxia, Xining and Nanning. The current name was first adopted in 1929, and restored in 1954 upon the merging of the Liaoxi ("West Liao") and Liaodong("East Liao") provinces.

    Prior to 3rd century BC, Donghu, Gojoseon and Yemaek peoples inhabited Liaoning. The state of Yan conquered the area around 300 BC. Two commanderies, Liaodong ("east of the Liao River") and Liaoxi ("west of the Liao River"), were established within the Liaoning region. The Yan city of Xiangping, the center of Liaodong, was located on the site of th...

    It is possible to think of Liaoning as three approximate geographical regions: the highlands in the west, plainsin the middle, and hills in the east. The highlands in the west are dominated by the Nulu'erhu Mountains, which roughly follow the border between Liaoning and Inner Mongolia. The entire region is dominated by low hills. A narrow strip of ...

    Liaoning contains some of the foremost paleontological sites in the world. Known collectively as the Jehol Group, they include the Yixian Formation, Jiufotang Formation and Tiaojishan Formation. The name Jehol derives from a now defunct provincial division of that name, which covered an area that is now Western Liaoning, Eastern Hebei, and a small ...

    The politics of Liaoning is structured in a single party-government system like all other governing institutions in mainland China. The Governor of Liaoning (辽宁省省长) is the highest-ranking official in the People's Government of Liaoning. However, in the province's single party-government governing system, the Governor has less power than the Chinese...

    Liaoning is divided into fourteen prefecture-level divisions, all prefecture-level cities (including two sub-provincial cities): These prefecture-level cities are in turn divided into 100 county-level divisions (56 districts, 17 county-level cities, 19 counties, and 8 autonomous counties), which are then further subdivided into 1511 township-level ...

    Liaoning has the largest and wealthiest provincial economy of Northeast China. Its nominal GDP for 2017 was 2.39 trillion yuan (ca. US$354 billion), making it the 14th largest in China (out of 31 provinces). Its per capita GDP was 54,745 yuan (US$8,108). Among the three provinces of Northeast China, Liaoning is the largest in terms of GDP and GDP p...

    The population of Liaoning is mostly Han Chinese with minorities of Manchus, Mongols, Hui, Koreans and Xibe. Liaoning has both the highest absolute number and highest percentage of Manchus in all of China. Excludes members of the People's Liberation Army in active service. Source:

    According to a 2012 survey, only around 10% of the population of Liaoning belongs to organised religions, the largest groups being Buddhists with 5.5%, followed by Protestants with 2.2%, Muslims with 0.6% and Catholicswith 0.2%. The reports did not give figures for other types of religion; around 90% of the population may be either irreligious or i...

    The Mukden Palace was the palace of the Qing Dynasty emperors before they conquered the rest of China and moved their capital to Beijing. Though not as large nor as well known as its counterpart (the Forbidden City) in Beijing, the Mukden palace is significant for its representation of palace architecture at the time, and has recently been included...

    • China
  5. 遼寧省 ,簡稱 遼 ,為 中華民國 東北九省 之一,全省範圍為今日的 辽宁省 大部。 歷史沿革. 奉系軍閥時期. 遼寧省的前身為清代時的 奉天省 。 宣統 三年(1911年)爆發 辛亥革命 ,張作霖以「率兵 勤皇 」為由,搶先由洮南入奉天。 東三省總督 趙爾巽 重用張作霖任「奉天國民保安會」軍事部副部長,打擊東北革命黨人。 民國五年(1916年)5月, 袁世凱 死,張作霖就把袁世凱所任命的奉天督軍兼節制吉黑兩省軍務的 段芝貴 逼出東北,北京政府任命張作霖為奉天督軍兼省長、東三省巡閱使。 隨後,他又以武力迫使吉林督軍 孟恩遠 下台,黑龍江的督軍也由他的親信擔任,控制了奉天、吉林、黑龍江三省軍政大權,成為奉系首領。 民國十七年(1928年)6月4日,張作霖在皇姑屯被日軍預埋的炸藥炸死。

  6. 辽宁省,简称“辽”,取 辽河 流域永远安宁之意而得其名,是 中华人民共和国 省级行政区 ,省会 沈阳市 ; [1] 位于 东北地区 南部,南濒 黄海 、 渤海 二海,西南与 河北省 接壤,西北与 内蒙古自治区 毗连,东北与 吉林省 为邻,东南以 鸭绿江 为界与 朝鲜 隔江相望; [2] 地势大致为自北向南,自东西两侧向中部倾斜,属 温带季风气候 ;截至2022年,全省辖14个地级市,总面积14.86万平方千米 [99] ,2023年末,辽宁省常住人口4182万人。 [120] 据史书《 禹贡 》记载,辽宁省建制于上古社会,夏商为 幽州 、营州之地,周分封属 燕国 。 春秋时期,行政区划开始设郡、县,燕国置辽东、辽西两郡,秦置辽东、辽西、 右北平 三郡。 公孙度置平州。