雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 若雇員轉工,或聘請他的公司倒閉,他在強積金計劃內屬于強制性供款或雇主自愿供款的累算權益是否須納稅? If an employee changes job or his employer becomes bankrupt , what is the tax position of his accrued benefits from the mandatory contributions and any voluntary contributions which his former ...

  2. 對情節嚴重、構成犯罪的,要及時移送司法機關懲處,以保證明年1月1日增值憑發票注明稅款抵制度的順利推行,推動《辦法》的正確貫徹實施,促使市場經濟秩序更加有條不紊。

  3. 例句與用法. Manulife offers two mpf schemes : manu - lifestyle scheme. 宏利寫意生活 強積金 計劃. Information for employers mandatory provident fund system. 雇主資訊 ( 強積金 制度) Interface between ror scheme and mpf scheme. 認可職業退休計劃與 強積金 計劃的銜接.

  4. 例句與用法. Each one merged into the next . 每一個階段都和下一個階段相 銜接。. The train connects with a bus at the station . 列車在車站與公共汽車 銜接。. A connecting flight was canceled . 一架 銜接 的班機取消了。. The continuous transformation connects smoothly to the unit operator . 連續變換 ...

  5. 扣繳義務人每次所扣的稅款,應當于五日內繳入國庫,并向當地稅務機關報送扣繳所得稅報告表。 更多例句: 1 2 3 4 用"tax amount"造句

  6. 綫上翻譯. 【查查綫上翻譯】是網上獨一無二的綫上辭典,它有以下特點. 超大詞庫. 普通辭典有和沒有的都能查到,涵蓋工作生活各個領域. 豐富例句. 大量的例句讓您清晰地理解每個詞匯的實際具體用法. 真人發音. 常用詞匯標有中英文音標,並可播放真人錄制 ...

  7. 一般納稅人,鋼材出口是否交,取決于出口的銷項稅額與購進原材料的進項稅額,銷項稅額大于進項稅額就要交。 Article 21 taxpayers selling goods or taxable services shall issue special vat invoices to the purchasers . sale - s amounts and output tax shall be separately indicated in the special vat ...

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