Studio City is a glamorous entertainment resort in Macau with a luxury hotel, iconic attractions, global dining, shopping streets and an opulent casino.
Discover the luxurious accommodations at Studio City, Macau's premier entertainment resort, offering a range of stylish rooms and suites.
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新濠影滙傲踞城中核心地段,鄰近澳門國際機場,交通網絡四通八達。 旅客可經由內港碼頭、氹仔碼頭或港珠澳大橋搭乘我們提供的免費穿梭巴士前來,亦可以經蓮花口岸徒步數分鐘直達新濠影滙。
新濠影滙已規劃了佔地約4,000平方米的室內場地,可滿足不同會議場地的需求,從晚宴到專業國際會議,我們可為您度身訂造心儀的佈置主題。 大宴會廳面積約1,820平方米,可根據活動需要分割成3個獨立宴會廳使用。
盛饌美膳. 娛樂. 巨星滙. 「巨星滙」的600間套房極致演繹超凡氣度,特設專屬的入住登記服務、專享室內恆溫游泳池及個人護理中心,完美演繹閃爍耀目的褔布斯五星級體驗。.
Studio City is a luxury entertainment resort in Macau, offering unique entertainment facilities and luxurious accommodations.
LEGEND HEROES PARK is a thrilling Tech-based Entertainment (TBE) Park that combines cutting-edge virtual technology with the physical world for an unparalleled immersive experience.
Discover the ultimate entertainment destination at Studio City Event Center, featuring dazzling shows and events in Macau.