雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 維多利亞港 相關

  2. 瀏覽酒店相片,獲取旅遊靈感。快快搶訂,慢慢起行! 旅遊拍檔一手掌握,住宿所需盡在 App 中!


  1. 總行(中環). 最快可預約日期: 12:45 22/10/2024.

  2. Private Banking. Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (WMC) offers cross-boundary financial and wealth management services. Individual residents in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area (GBA) can purchase eligible cross-boundary wealth management products. For details, please visit Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect.

  3. 分行地址及自助銀行地址. 分行最新服務安排. 詳情請查看 恒生銀行分行最新的服務安排。 前往分行前. 手機取票預先輪候櫃位服務. 經恒生Mobile App預先遙距取票,可省卻在分行等候的時間 [1] 了解更多. 尋找附近的分行或自助銀行地址. 使用我的位置資訊. 進階篩選. 回到搜尋結果. 獲取路線. 服務時間. 分行服務時間: 自助銀行服務時間: 服務範圍. 備註. 轉換至高德地圖. 了解更多. 服務圖示. 註腳. 備註. 查詢恒生銀行分行及自動櫃員機地址和服務時間.

  4. 恒生銀行提供最新外幣電匯及現鈔兌換價, 包括人民幣、美元﹑英鎊﹑澳元﹑加元﹑泰銖等外幣匯率價格,並有外幣兌換計算機助你輕鬆獲取匯率換算結果。.

  5. 外匯兌換. 一應俱全的外幣兌換服務,涵蓋多達12種外幣. 外匯限價指示讓你預先設定目標匯率及兌換金額,到達目標匯率後即時兌換外幣.

  6. Cross-boundary Wealth Management Connect (WMC) provides cross-boundary financial and wealth management services. Individual investors in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area ("GBA") can purchase eligible cross-boundary wealth management products offered by banks in the GBA.

  7. Key features. Full cover for medical expenses. Cashless service with your medical card. Enhanced cover including unknown pre-existing conditions. Choose from four deductible options to lower your VHIS premium. HealthPro Concierge Service. 24-hour Mental Health Service Hotline. Medical check-up benefit. Guaranteed lifetime renewal.

  1. 維多利亞港 相關

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