雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 如何高效找工作,达到这个目的就两点:高效、好工作。满足两点内容解决四个问题即可。

  2. 别的国家的indeed不清楚,北美的indeed我经常用。 基本上北美indeed网站上的招聘信息还是比较真实的。 在国外找工作,投简历,需要做一些准备工作,有工作经验的跟没工作经验的准备方式是不同的;技术类和非技术类也是不同的, 小时工和年薪工作的准备也是不同的。

  3. 2021年11月28日 · Indeed is just a glorified parasite of a website and most of the jobs you find on there are false doors. Indeed works by scraping hundreds or thousands of other websites for real job postings, and recreates the information as a new job in its own format.

  4. indeed是搜索引擎,主要的盈利方式就是广告,跟google搜索类似。目前的目标还是提高搜索质量,丰富用户评论等站内信息,继续扩大用户量。

  5. 刚好在indeed上发布了个兼职招募信息,顺手就上来回答一波。搜indeed网站,简单注册后,就可以发布你的招募信息。现在貌似可以免费试用3天,3天后可能需要付费推广(我就是搜这个问题的答案给搜进来的)。每天推广费用是可以自己设置多少美元的。

  6. I have found several jobs on Indeed over the years. I go to the company site to apply. If I can't find the company site or the particular job on the site I question the posting and don't apply to any of those weird job boards that feel like a phishing expedition.

  7. 2022年3月30日 · When you're prospectively employing people on Indeed, it gives you the option to view around 100 or so people that Indeed have deemed as potential candidates for the role, those that might not have seen your job post in the first place and those that might not have used the specific keywords or job descriptions that you attached to your ad.

  8. 2023年5月26日 · I found a solution to find the job post date on Indeed using Google Chrome and chatGPT. Note: I am in no way a tech or coding nerd so take this with a grain of salt, but I think I am onto something here: 1) Open Indeed job webpage 2) right click and then select

  9. 对于招聘网站,Linkedin、Indeed和Glassdoor各有什么优缺点? 可否从求职者和招聘者两个方面来谈。 根据我的见解,Linkedin是…

  10. 2023年6月25日 · Not to mention Indeed spits out some of the worst resumes. I’m a hiring manager and every time someone applies through indeed it spits out an 8 page resume. People keep using their templates, but that’s the worst you could use because the HM is going to

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