雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 是最為經濟存倉方式. 適合裝修家居時, 暫時存放家俬雜物. 需辦公時間才能開倉取物. 開倉時由專人賠同看管. 倉內設有 24小時閉路監察系統. 並直接連至辦公室 監視倉內狀況. 可選擇恆溫冷氣倉或普通倉位. 所有倉位備有3吋高地臺以阻隔地面濕氣, 保護閣下 ...

  2. 迦南由開業至今, 謹尊從創辦人搬運服務宗旨, 秉持用心、專業、誠信之態度服務顧客, 盡量配合顧客需求,並與時邁進。. 取之社會, 用之社會。迦南搬運熱心參與各項公益活動, 定期資助以下自願團體: 視博恩. 香港基督教更新會. 無國界醫生. 秉持用心、專業 ...

  3. 也會有專業人員每日巡檢、定期消殺,做好除塵除濕工作,從入倉到退倉期間任何問題都是可以隨時搞定,可以說是超放心、超貼心之選。 最後結束迷你倉使用,要送貨上門的話,需要和工人說明每個箱子放置位置,且及時檢查物品破損情況。

  4. Economic Mobile Storage Storage Cart Size 45”x35”x90” Approximately can store 25 boxes Portable cart is easy to access. It is especially suitable for people who move in the goods by themselves and have small numbers of items Storage can be accessed

  5. Climate Controlled Deluxe Storage. Different sizes of units are available. From 80 sq ft up to 3000 sq ft. Ceiling height is 10 ft high. All measurements are scalable area which does not include the public space. 24 hours accessible with the smart card. You can enter your storage anytime at your convenience. Storage are built in with individual ...

  6. Climate Controlled Mini Self Storage. Ceiling height is 10 ft high. All measurements are scalable area which does not include the public area. 24 hours accessible with the smart card. You can enter your storage anytime at your convenience. Each unit has built in with individual lock. Consistent temperature control is operated 24 hours a day.

  7. 迦南專業搬運為客戶全面解決搬運 各種煩惱,無論是任何搬運疑難,例如移民搬運,搬琴等,都讓客戶在搬運之虞無後顧之憂。 首頁 >> 搬運服務 >> 移民搬運流程 本司會因應客人搬運物品數量, 安排是否需要上門報價, 上門報價是免費, 若物品數量 ...