營業時間 :星期一至星期六上午9時半-下午6時,星期日休息. 2784 6225歡迎查詢. 聯絡我們. 地址: 九龍深水埗南昌街172號地下. 電話: 2784 6225 / 2784 6288. 傳真: 2784 6395. 電郵: ecplasticbag@yahoo.com.hk. 網址: www.ecplasticbag.com. 環保膠袋衣架公司專營及代客印製各款精美手挽袋、紙袋、環保袋、禮物袋、禮物盒、鋁袋、PVC掛衣袋、密實袋、背心袋、寄貨袋、PP、PE、OPP透明膠袋。 我們亦提供送貨服務,歡迎查詢及選購。
Environment Conservative Plastic Bags Hangers Co. specializes in various kinds of shopping bags, paper bags, eco-friendly bags, gift bags, PVC clothes bags, zip-lock bags, vest bags, courier bags, PP, PE, OPP transparent plastic bags, etc. We also provide delivery services.
- 27.8M
- ecplasticbag@yahoo.com.hk
9x13cm / 50個 印花平口袋連金線(士多啤梨) HK$15
- 2784 6225
- ecplasticbag@yahoo.com.hk
Notice: Except the products which marked "cm", all the other products are measured in "inches".
- 27.8M
- ecplasticbag@yahoo.com.hk
© Environment Conservative Plastic Bags Hangers Co 2020 Powered by ypBizHub
- 27.8M
- ecplasticbag@yahoo.com.hk
衣架、褲架. *產品數量繁多,未能盡錄,歡迎閣下親臨門市或致電2784 6288查詢。. 吊牌. 服裝吊牌. 飾物吊牌. 吊牌、針槍. 打價機/紙. 頸巾領呔架.