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  1. 加熱床 (Heated bed) ,即是3D打印機的可加熱的打印平台。. 為什麼市面上的3D打印機有些有加熱床,而有些則是非加熱的打印床呢?. 例如以下的情況就會用到加熱床:. 1.如要打印ABS物料的話,打印平台就需要加熱,因為ABS收縮率比較強,沒有加熱床的話,ABS模型就 ...

  2. Flashforge 3D printers are highly reliable Desktop 3D Printers, suitable for Hong Kong teachers, engineers, designers, and families to do 3D printing. Flashforge 3D printers, designed for education, engineering, design, and home, include Adventurer 5M Pro. IDEX printers like Guider 3 Ultra, Creator 4, and DLP/ LCD 3D Printer Hunter S and Foto 9.5.

  3. 隆重介紹Flashforge Dreamer. 17/6/2015. Flashforge Dreamer 是一款在市場上很超值的 FFF/FDM 3D打印機。. Dreamer 配備了加熱床,雙噴頭,密封式打印倉,多國語言彩色觸控屏,大打印尺寸,WiFi,USB,SD-卡連接等。. Flashforge Dreamer能夠使用PLA, ABS, HIPS 和PVA 等打印耗材。. Comments ...

  4. 1. 列印速度. 首先,列印速度盡量調慢一點,這樣可以讓擠出來的膠料有足夠的時間牢固地粘貼在列印平台上,讓3D列印大尺寸模型時出現的翹邊狀況減低。 Flashprint中設置列印速度的位置如下: 2. 列印平台的溫度. 如果列印平台可加熱的話,請把加熱功能啟動,並把溫度調到適合你所用的列印耗材。如果沒有加熱功能的列印平台,就需要在平台表面上加上漿糊, Kapton Tape或 Masking tape,以增加列印平台的粘貼度去減少翹邊問題。 Flashprint中設定列印平台的溫度很容易找到: 3. 在大尺寸模型底部加上Raft或Brim. 大尺寸的模型底部很容易翹邊,所以3D列印時模型底部最好加上Raft 或Brim,這樣可以增強擠出來的膠料在列印平台上 粘貼性,降低翹邊出現的機會。

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  5. H eat bed is the 3D printer‘s build platform with heating function, but why do we need a heat bed? In the following situations, 3d printer heat bed will be required: . 1. Heat bed will be needed if you want to 3D print with ABS material.

  6. Chapter 3:Unpacking. This chapter will present you the whole unpacking procedure of Finder 3D. read the whole unpacking guide)3-1(3-1)Place the pa. ng box on a clean work surface.3-2(3-2)Open the box, grasp the two handles and t. your Finder out of the box.图3-3(3-3)Your Finde. is wrapped by packaging mate.

  7. Secondly, compared to other SLA printers with similar size, the printing time is reduced to 1/3 at least. TECHNICAL SPECIFICATIONS. PRODUCT NAME: Flashforge Foto 13.3. PRINTING TECHNOLOGY: LCD. PRODUCT DIMENSION: 380 L x 380 W x 685 H mm. MAX. BUILD VOLUME: 292 L x 165 W x 400 H mm. LAYER RESOLUTION: 0.05 – 0.15mm. PRINTING SPEED: 10 - 30 mm/h.