雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Born 1964. Currently resides in Seoul. Majored in sculpture at Hongik University. Since the late 1990s, Lee has received critical acclaim around the world and established herself within the post-globalization international art scene as one of Asia's leading artists.

  2. Through a new video work featuring a real Japanese man who enjoys reenactment of the Vietnam War, Lê takes a fresh look at the Vietnam War while pondering Japanese history, memory, and identity issues.

  3. The Museum mainly has modern art exhibitions in a variety of genres, including fashion, architecture, design, photography, and video. Mori Arts Center Gallery MONSTER HUNTER 20th ANNIVERSARY - Monster Hunter Grand Exhibition - 2024.7.19 [Fri] - 9.8 [Sun]

  4. 2014年8月12日 · ショートフィルム《さあ、月へ》の主人公アッセールは、パレスチナ自治区のヨルダン川西岸地区に住む少女。 海賊版のCDを懸命に売って家計を助けています。 しっかり者の彼女は、夢見がちな一面をもっています。 瓦礫の中から拾ったセロファンをのぞくと、周囲の景色は一変、戦争によって破壊された町の上空に美しい虹がかかり、イスラエルとパレスチナを分断する重苦しい分離壁はピアノの鍵盤に変わります。 そして家に帰った彼女は、ポップスターに大変身。 空想の舞台でスポットライトを浴び、歌って踊ります。 幼い弟が彼女の観客。 まだ歩けない赤ちゃんだけど、ハイテンションでステージを盛り上げています。 こんな風に想像の世界の中で憧れの人物になりきった経験は、誰にでもあるのではないでしょうか。

    • 女團 LE SSERAFIM 讀音1
    • 女團 LE SSERAFIM 讀音2
    • 女團 LE SSERAFIM 讀音3
    • 女團 LE SSERAFIM 讀音4
    • 女團 LE SSERAFIM 讀音5
  5. 2015年10月12日 · The first solo exhibition by the world's most outstanding Vietnamese artist in Asia! Born in Hà Tiên, a Vietnamese town near the Cambodian border, Dinh Q. Lê immigrated with his family to the U.S. at the age of ten to escape the Khmer Rouge.

  6. 2015. Video, color, sound. 26 min. Everything Is a Re-Enactment. Born in a town situated on the border with Cambodia, Dinh Q. Lê came to the United States with his family in 1978 to escape the Khmer Rouge invasion. In college, he studied computer science and photography.

  7. In 1997, Majestic Splendor was exhibited as part of the “Projects” series at The Museum of Modern Art, New York. The artwork, which consisted of garishly decorated raw fish, filled the gallery with a terrible stench and they were consequently removed shortly after the exhibition opened.