酒店床鋪上的布叫什麼 相關
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全面的銜接途徑(從高等文憑、銜接學士學位到碩士學位課程)為來自不同學術和專業背景的學生提供最佳的學習選擇。 酒店及旅遊業管理課程 篩選
This programme aims to equip business leaders in both resort and hotel organisations with comprehensive knowledge of the planning, operation as well as management principles for hotels and resorts. It also covers branding and marketing, finance and revenue, service management, customer relationship management and information technology issues.
- Dr Priscilla Poon
- Specialties
- Selected Experiences
- Mr Wyn li
Associate Director of Olympic Consultants LimitedFormer Senior Manager of Hong Kong Tourism BoardDestination marketingCulture & heirtage and nature tourismSpecial event planning and managementVisitor managementPartner of Olympic Consultants Limited that provides tourism-related consultancy services in the areas of event management, product development, market development, segment marketing and visitor ge...Over 20 years of experience in collaborating with inbound travel trade and service suppliers in marketing and promotion Hong Kong as a leading tourism destination in mono and multi- destination travelExtensive hands-on experience in organising mega tourism and MICE events to position Hong Kong as the Event Capital of AsiaFormer Country General Managers of Airlines, and Managers of HotelsQantas Airways, Continental Airlines, United Airlines, Hyatt InternationalHospitality and tourism management programmes are professionally designed to suit the emerging needs of the industy, and they are taught by experienced industry practitioners and/or visiting lecturers from the distinguished University of Plymouth in the United Kingdom.
酒店及旅遊業管理 豪華鐘錶、珠寶及飾物 葡萄酒、烈酒、清酒及咖啡 健康護理、體育及健康 美容學、化妝品學及美學應用 補充和整合醫學 營養學 食物科學 老年護理 健康管理 全人健康 護理學及健康護理 醫療科學 藥物科學 復康專科 體育、運動及康樂 語言 中文
網上報名 非本地申請人定義 學費及其他費用 入學通 獎學金計劃 學費資助 報名中心 常見問題 內地生入學申請 最新消息 入學詳情 計劃簡介 課程選擇 基礎專上教育文憑 (線上學習模式) 學歷國際認可 支援服務 升學統計及個案分享 問答篇 新生專頁 新生專頁
酒店床鋪上的布叫什麼 相關
廣告For comfort and savings, book your stay several days. Online booking !