雅虎香港 搜尋

  1. 相關搜尋:


  1. 使用手機銀行應用程式於線上入票,省卻排隊等候時間 支援多種主要貨幣,無需額外收費 可存入由中銀香港發出一般/專用支票、本票及股息支票,支援港幣、美元及人民幣*,且不會收取任何費用 *您可於每個曆日最多可存入港幣10萬元及人民幣10萬元及1萬美

  2. 中銀香港(控股)有限公司 2020 年報 11 總裁致辭 穩健,全年成本對收入比率為 30.01%,保持主要銀行 同業較佳水平;總資本比率為 22.10%,一級資本比 率為19.67%,均優於市場平均水平;流動性覆蓋比率 平均值(LCR) 為136.39%,2020 年末穩定資金淨額比

  3. Financial Institutions Online (FI Online) At BOCHK, we understand the need to act fast in a changing financial market. By combining the strength of advanced technology and secure internet security applications, the BOCHK FI Online enables financial institutions to manage their BOCHK accounts online any time beyond geographical boundaries.

  4. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  5. BOCHK. i. Service. From now on, our banking service time puts you first. BOCHK iService, a round-the-clock video banking service that offers you real time banking transactions and product applications. We serve you 24 hours every day to fit with your daily lives. Manage banking service in your own time!

  6. BOCHK helps maximise your wealth potentials with innovative, professional and diversified services, striving to become Your Premier Bank.

  7. 「大灣區共同家園青年公益基金」(簡稱:「大灣區青年基金」)於2019年9月成立,是以服務香港青年為主公共性質慈善機構。藉著新時代、新灣區、新機遇,基金匯聚了各界青年領袖,以「助青年 創明天」為使命,集合及善用粵港澳大灣區資源,以教育及培訓為主導方向,於大灣區開展與學業 ...