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  1. startupgenome.com › article › about-startup-genome-9Startup Genome

    Execution. • Supporting local leadership in executing key policies and programs. • Measuring and reporting the impact of initiatives. • Delivering services in collaboration with global thought leaders. Startup ecosystem development through data. We advise world leaders in policymaking, strategy and actions to drive innovation and economic ...

  2. startupgenome.com › article › global-startup-ecosystem-rankingStartup Genome

    London remains Europe’s leading startup ecosystem. However, 2023 was a disappointing year for large exits, as in many ecosystems. London did not have an exit valued above $1 billion in 2023, compared to three in 2022 and 12 in 2021. Yet it was not all bad ...

  3. startupgenome.com › embedded › kievStartup Genome

    Startup ecosystem development through data. We advise world leaders in policymaking, strategy and actions to drive innovation and economic growth.

  4. Since 2012, global average Series A rounds have tripled to more than $18 million. Since the pandemic, tech companies grew 2.3 times more than their non-tech counterparts. A record 540 companies achieved unicorn status in 2021, up from 150 in 2020, with 113

  5. T a b l e o f C o n t e n t s E x ecu ti v e S u mma r y 2 A b ou t S ta r tu p Gen ome 5 1 ) C a p i ta l 6 2 ) T a l en t a n d J ob s 1 0 3 ) M a r k et 1 3 4 ) O p er a ti on s a n d M a n a g emen t 1 6 5 ) Pol i cy 2 0 M eth od ol og y a n d Fr a

  6. Global Startup Ecosystem Report 2019

  7. startupgenome.com › article › global-sub-sector-startup-analysisStartup Genome

    Fintech Holding Its Place in the Median Deal Amount Shows That It Is Not Reliant Only on Megadeals. Startup ecosystem development through data. We advise world leaders in policymaking, strategy and actions to drive innovation and economic growth.