雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2022年4月11日 · The Hong Kong Jockey Club strives to promote Responsible Gambling. The website provides one-stop resources, including educational videos, material, responsible gambling help tools, and information on problem gambling prevention and treatment.

  2. 協助問題賭博人士發掘和參與一些令自己感到愉快的活動來代替上網賭博,將癮頭轉到沒有傷害性的興趣上,讓患者從中找到滿足感,減少渴望賭博的慾望。 由於部分問題賭博人士可能同時出現焦慮、抑鬱,藥物治療正好可處理情緒問題,亦有助減少沉迷賭博行為。 有關處理問題賭博輔導個案的一般服務流程,包括﹕. 輔導員除提供個別面談輔導服務外,亦會按案主的情況,安排他們參與不同類型的小組活動,讓案主能獲得不同層面的支援,以達致更理想的輔導及治療成效。 家人可參考以下五項重點,積極配合治療過程,扮演心理醫生的「副治療師」。 縱使成癮者暫時遠離賭博,防備工夫仍不可少。 根據過往紀錄,停止賭博一、兩年後,再次參與賭博的機會率達七至八成,因此要做好防備,最重要是得到患者家人的配合和支持。 專家建議 - 家庭溝通三大重點.

  3. 馬會同時亦為本港最大單一納稅機構,每年繳交的博彩稅及其他稅項有助政府維持低稅率制。馬會又是本港最大僱主之一,聘用逾24,800名全職及兼職員工。

  4. Illegal gambling is widely associated with criminal activities, in particular loan-sharking, money laundering, fraud and corruption. Equally if not more damaging is the siphoning of public resources from the community. Illegal gambling operations neither pay tax in Hong Kong, nor make any contribution to Hong Kong charities.

  5. High intensity forms of gambling that offers continuous play and rapid, repeated staking is a major cause of problem gambling behaviours. An obvious example is illegal online gambling games where access is possible seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Forms of gambling where credit is available are also highly conducive to problem gambling.

  6. Online Illegal Gambling Myths. Online illegal gambling activities have become increasingly rampant over recent years. Recognize the below misconceptions. Stay alert, and avoid breaching the law.

  7. The Hong Kong Jockey Club is committed to minimizing the negative effects of problem gambling and to promoting responsible gambling practices among those who gamble. The Club does this through the unique Hong Kong model of gambling, not-for-pro t with surplus to charity; high integrity; strict regulation; limited outlets; access controls (to prevent under-age betting); no credit betting. In ...