雅虎香港 搜尋

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  1. 2017年11月2日 · Here are 10 of Japan’s best-kept-secret LGBT+ pride events outside Tokyo. 10. Pink Dot Okinawa (Okinawa) Held in Okinawa in July every year since its inception in 2013, Pink Dot Okinawa (ピンクドット沖縄) takes its name from the Pink Dot event originating in Singapore.

  2. 2016年12月1日 · Filmmaker Hikaru Toda is working on an intriguing documentary about Fumi & Kazu, who run the first openly gay law firm in Japan. Passionate about justice, the lawyers “know all too well the realities of being different in a homogenous society.”.

  3. 據說一個人跟任何一個人之間平均只相隔六個人,也就是說隔壁的王阿姨可能朋友的朋友的朋友的朋友就是木村拓哉。 原本互不相關的人,可以藉由朋友聯繫起來,認識更多不一樣的生活與文化、看到一座城市不同的面貌。 但我們又不是做旅遊節目,哪可能一到新的城市就有六個朋友? 幸虧現在科技發達,透過網路就能認識遠在千里之外的新朋友。 今天就來看看時下日本最多人用的幾個交友APP各有什麼樣的特色吧! Tinder┃直覺性滑動的快速配對聊天軟體. https://www.facebook.com/tinder/photos/a.356253897777735.80422.353659601370498/1438091242927323/?type=3&theater.

  4. 2017年7月4日 · Rights for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people have seen improvements in Japan, with same-sex couples recognized by Sapporo and a few wards in Tokyo. Recognition comes in the form of legally non-binding certificates, which allow couples to be treated as if they’re married when it comes to things like life insurance or apartment rentals.

  5. 2017年6月19日 · While spokespeople and politicians are doing their best to give a face and voice to the LGBT+ community, now there’s a short film project that’s working at a grassroots level to openly reveal what it’s like to be a gay man in Japan, and it’s currently attracting a lot of attention online.

  6. 這是一個想要自殺的男人,在生無可戀之時被死神找上的故事。 死神告訴男人「即便想死,也無法終結自己,因為人的壽命是不可以改變的。 」他陽壽未盡,所以不論他想活不想,都只能繼續活著。 男人聽完更沮喪了,他表示自己實在是不知道該怎麼活,因為他無事可做,也沒能力養活自己。 聽到這,死神給了男人一種能力,一種可以看見死神的能力與咒語。 死神告訴男人「這世界上生著病的人身邊一定能看到一個死神,要是死神坐在生病的人的腳邊,男人可以透過咒語把死神趕走,如此病得再重的人都會立即痊癒;倘若死神坐在床頭,代表著那人陽壽將盡,這種時候切記不可使用咒語,千萬不能趕走那個死神。 其實,故事說到這裡,或許已經能夠猜到結局。 無論中間發生過多少故事,男人有過怎樣的心路歷程......不難想像,他最終沒能堅守這個「底線」。

  7. 2017年10月16日 · As visibility for the LGBT+ community is growing around Japan, so are the number of groups that promote awareness. Whether you consider yourself a member of the LGBTQIAP+ spectrum, or a supportive ally, we've compiled a list of a few great organizations and meetup groups that are always welcoming new, friendly faces.

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