雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 在大多數國家及地區的司法管轄區之中,當某人離世,必須有人處理其遺產(包括金錢、物業和財產)。. 然後,死者的資產可能被凍結,直到法院發出遺囑認證為止。. 遺囑認證將授權指定人士管理遺產。. 授權指定人士處理遺產分配,才能把先人的財產轉名 ...

  2. With Legacy Planning: A HK$8 million worth lift insurance policy can be bought by either Mr. or Mrs. Chan assuming HK$2 million to be paid as a single premium. This will make HK$10 million available for Mr. and Mrs. Chan's retirement - 25% more than the scenario with no legacy planning.

  3. 滙豐強積金繼一月份獲得積金評級頒發七項獎項,再下一城憑著香港僱主對我們的支持,首次於積金評級「2022強積金大獎」中贏得「僱主之選」的殊榮,成功獲選為最受本港僱主歡迎的強積金計劃。

  4. Premier Elite. Wealth Solutions. Your dedicated wealth management partner. Guide your wealth management strategy with our range of tailored investment solutions, exclusive products and our dedicated Premier Elite Director, alongside a team of multi-disciplinary experts. Enjoy seamless priority service for you and your family, wherever you may be.

  5. 下載香港滙豐流動理財應用程式,享受便捷、安全的理財體驗,並即時獲取滙豐卓越理財的專業支援 [@premier-app-account-open-requirement]。.

  6. 不用緊張,我們教您七個步驟,規劃自在退休生活:. 1. 及早起步. 很多人都以為只要臨近退休或者滿頭白髮的時候,才需要開始思考退休。. 但您這樣想就錯了,因為退休不一定是老年人的「專利」,無論您在哪個人生階段,只要您決定不再為工作奔波,不再靠 ...

  7. Our market first programme is exclusive to Premier Elite clients. All you need to do is join the Well+ Bonus Badge, choose your preferred investment or insurance product category. When you make a purchase, you can unlock up to 10,000 Reward Cash. T&Cs apply. See how you can join. Just 3 steps to unlocking extra rewards.

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