雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 全電煮專業大. 立即報名. 比賽規則. 傳承低碳.全電煮食專業大賽旨在:. 向本地推廣中、西式餐飲業,發掘有潛質的廚師入行. 激勵廚師提升對菜餚設計的標準及提高烹飪的技巧. 推廣電能煮食、節約能源可以減少溫室氣體排放,料理也有低碳的做法,健康 ...

  2. CLP Smart Catering Fair 2023 Sharing the latest trends in sustainable development, cutting-edge technology and innovative solutions for the catering sector.

  3. www.clp.com.hk › event-promotion › smart-catering-fair-2023餐飲營商日2023

    餐飲營商日2023. 作為餐飲業的能源夥伴,中電致力協助業界善用創新方案,以提升營運及能源效益。. 「中電餐飲營商日2023」 ,讓業界掌握行業最新可持續發展趨勢、頂尖餐飲業科技及創新能源方案,配合日常營運、提升競爭力並創造新商機,同時為餐飲業締造 ...

  4. 參與商戶名單. 提提你: 消費券為期6個月,受惠家庭可憑券於2024年10月31日或之前到參與此計劃的食肆和零售商店内使用。. 如有需要,可於 各中電客戶服務中心 領取實體參與商戶名單。. 本網站使用cookies讓我們了解訪客如何與網站互動,優化瀏覽體驗。. 繼續 ...

  5. On 13th and 14th June 2023, we hosted the "CLP Smart Catering Fair," a two-day event aimed at equipping the industry with the latest sustainable development trends, cutting-edge catering technology, and innovative energy solutions. This event is aimed to explore new opportunities for low-carbon catering.

  6. www.clp.com.hk › zh › residential全電煮食 - CLP

    IC電磁爐,發揮無盡煮靈感. 越來越多家庭使用IC電磁爐,不單適合日常煮食,更可炮製惹味小炒,熱辣辣鑊氣十足。. 中電一向支持節能環保煮食概念,透過用電磁爐煮食,既可節省能源及開支,也可減低碳排放,更能為家人煮出色香味美的餸菜,深信這是對 ...

  7. Participating Merchant List. Beneficiaries can use the coupons at more than 2,500 participating retail and catering outlets, including restaurants, bakeries, grocery stores, electrical appliance stores, laundry shops, hair salons, pharmacies and social enterprise retail shops.