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  1. Yahoo字典
    • 1. to comfort oneself
    • 2. to console oneself

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  2. 自我安慰. self-soothe uk / ˌselfˈsuːð/ us / ˌselfˈsuːð/ verb. to make yourself calm or happy: She eventually learned some other tools to self-soothe without food. 她最终学会用其他一些办法自我安慰,而不是食物。.

  3. Many translated example sentences containing "自我安慰" – English-Chinese dictionary and search engine for English translations.

  4. to make yourself calm or happy: She eventually learned some other tools to self-soothe without food. 她最終學會用其他一些辦法自我安慰,而不是食物。 (Translation of 自我安慰 from the Cambridge Chinese (Traditional)-English Dictionary © Cambridge University Press) Browse. 紫薇. 自慰. 自衛. 自我安慰. 自我吹噓. 自我防衛. 自我批評. 自我實現. To top. Contents.

  5. 【自我安慰】的英文單字、英文翻譯及用法:to console oneself自我安慰漢英詞典提供【自我安慰】的詳盡英文翻譯、用法、例句等

  6. self-soothe. tell yourself. comfort themselves. tell ourselves. 显示更多. 我们不给你提供一个充满揣测和自我安慰想法的神学。 We do not give you a theology that is filled with speculation and self-comforting ideas. 你的很多自我安慰的假设现在将只会弱化你,让你更难看到你需要认知和做什么。

  7. 安慰. comfort uk / ˈkʌm.fət/ us / ˈkʌm.fɚt/ C2 noun. the state of feeling better after feeling sad or worried, or something that makes you feel better in this way: The letters that people wrote after his death gave me a lot of comfort. 他去世後人們寫來的信給了我極大的安慰。. reassurance uk / ˌriː.əˈʃɔː.rəns ...

  8. 「自我安慰」翻译成英语是「Self-comfort」。 其中「自我」表示自己「安慰」表示安慰或慰藉。 整个短语表示一个人自己给自己安慰或慰藉的行为或状态。