雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 學院現時提供多個自資學士學位課程,涵蓋應用科學、人文及語言學、商學、傳理學及社會科學五大範疇。 國際學院課程以四年制浸大政府資助學士學位課程為設計藍本,自資學士學位課程內容相當於本科學位課程的第三及第四學年,以專修為主,教授專科知識。

  2. 浸大自資學士學位. 申請人須於申請副學士課程時預先選擇一項自資學士學位課程,並可於修讀副學士課程第三個學期時修改自資學士學位課程選擇。. 同學可能須於入讀自資學士學位課程後,補讀某些科目。. 浸大副學士學位. (Years 1 & 2) 環境保育學. 金融科技 ...

  3. 會計學商學士 (榮譽)學位. This honours programme is offered by the College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University and developed primarily to provide pathways for accounting/business Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) graduates to advance studies to degree level in accountancy.

  4. EN 簡 資訊對象 擬報讀學生 學院簡介 副學士課程 自資學士學位課程 入學申請資訊 學部專頁 入學計劃 升學率及升學途徑 獎學金及資助計劃 常見問題 浸大學生 香港浸會大學主頁 MyBU-Study Webmail 網上學習 (Moodle) 惡劣天氣安排

  5. 由浸大頒授心理學社會科學學士 (榮譽) 學位課程 就業前景 本課程為同學投身心理學相關之行業打好基礎,如社會服務、教育、研究、醫療保健、傳訊等工作,以及在其他專業及商業領域發展。

  6. Develop students’ understanding of the concept of social policy and to appreciate the relationship between social policy and social welfare in a changing world; 2. Appreciate the changes taken place in the global welfare context, and to examine the continuity and change of social policy in Hong Kong from colonial era to the HKSAR; 3.

  7. 人力資源管理學商學士 (榮譽)學位. This programme is offered the College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University for holders of Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) in a business-related discipline who wish to continue on to a Bachelor’s degree in Human Resources Management.

  8. The aim of this course is to introduce students to the fascinating significance of mundane practices of everyday life. Drawing upon key theories in the field of humanities and social sciences, this course explores the subject by relating the micro-level individual practices to the macro-level patterns of society.

  9. Curriculum U-Life Career Guidance Sharing Programme Leaflet. This programme is offered by the College of International Education, Hong Kong Baptist University for holders of Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) who wish to develop a career in the sport and recreation industry.

  10. This programme* is offered by Department of Music, Hong Kong Baptist University for holders of Associate Degree (AD) or Higher Diploma (HD) in the related disciplines who wish to continue on to a Bachelor’s degree in music studies. For nearly 50 years, the Department of Music has nurtured generations of graduates with a well-rounded practical

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