雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 以下將會為你講解辭職信的不同格式,並附上中英文範本,各位可以作為參考,再按個人情況補上合適內容,一封得體的辭職信就這樣搞定在開始寫信之前,首先讓我們梳理一些有關於辭職信的迷思。

    • 介紹
    • 結論
    • (十大原因)辭職/離職信 (Resignation Letter) 英語範例 Resignation Letter Sample / Template


    當我們決定離開現有的工作時,寫一封辭職信(Resignation Letter)是很重要的一步。這是一個向僱主和同事宣布辭職的機會,同時也是一次禮貌和尊重他們的表現。

    辭職信(Resignation Letter)是離職的重要途徑



    1. Basic Resignation Letter Template(簡單範例):

    Dear [Your Manager’s Name], Please accept this letter as formal notice of my resignation from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date]. I have appreciated the opportunities and experiences I have had while working at [Company Name]. However, I have decided to pursue other career opportunities. Thank you for your understanding and support during my time here. I am willing to assist in any way during the transition period to ensure a smooth handover of my...

    2. Resignation Letter with a Positive Tone :

    Dear [Your Manager’s Name], I am writing to inform you of my decision to resign from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date]. I want to express my gratitude for the opportunities and experiences I have had while working at [Company Name]. I have learned so much and grown both professionally and personally during my time here. I will do everything I can to ensure a smooth transition and to help my team in any way I can during my remaining time. I am com...

    3. Resignation Letter Due to Relocation:

    Dear [Your Manager’s Name], I am writing to inform you that I have accepted a job opportunity in [New City/State] and will be relocating there soon. As a result, I regret to inform you that I must resign from my position as [Job Title] at [Company Name]. My last day of work will be [Date]. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time at [Company Name] and I am grateful for the support and opportunities provided to me during my tenure here. I am committed to ensuring a smooth transition and to making sur...

  2. 2020年8月11日 · 辭職信要記住重點~~~簡單就是美,Keep Your Letter Short and Simple. 可以和老闆或者上司分享離職原因但無須在辭職信內長篇大論,重點是Date(日期)及 Recipient’s name(收信人名字)。

    • 英文離職信範本1
    • 英文離職信範本2
    • 英文離職信範本3
    • 英文離職信範本4
    • 英文離職信範本5
  3. 其他人也問了

  4. 2021年12月9日 · 在資訊發達的今天,辭職信 (Resignation Letter) 依然是必須的,因為它具有法律效力,足以保障僱員的權利;根據勞工處的僱傭條例,僱員過了試用期後離開公司,必須給僱主 1 個月通知,否則則需支付代通知金,而辭職信就是證明僱員提出離職通知的證據。. 不過 ...

    • 英文離職信範本1
    • 英文離職信範本2
    • 英文離職信範本3
    • 英文離職信範本4
    • 英文離職信範本5
  5. 2024年1月29日 · 決定要辭職?本文為您提供5份中英文辭職信範本,讓您能在短時間內掌握撰寫辭職信的技巧,同時了解生成式人工智能(AI)如何協助您撰寫一份得體的辭職信。

  6. 以下,我會以最近寄出的英文離職信為例,分享自己撰寫的架構與方式,以及我將這封離職信寄給了誰,又是否需要寄給HR? 藉此也順便分享一些個人的觀點及看法。

  7. 2022年1月19日 · 你已經知道了辭職信的重要性, 接下來Engoo要帶你寫一封無可挑惕的辭職! 一封辭職信有四項必備要素: 「最後工作日」、「離職原因與感謝」、「交接事宜」、「聯絡資訊」, 只要你把這四項要素都寫進你的信裡面, 那你的辭職信也就大功告成了。

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