雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2024年7月1日 · The Chief Executive has awarded 502 people in this year’s Honours List in recognition of their significant contributions to Hong Kong. Five people - Executive Council Member and lawmaker Liao Cheung-kong, Prof Lau Siu-kai, Prof Lee Chack-fan, Dr Peter Lee and Lam Shu-chit - received the Grand Bauhinia Medal.

  2. 2021年11月20日 · Chief Executive Carrie Lam today presented honours and awards to 157 people during the 2021 Honours & Awards Presentation Ceremony at Government House. The ceremony is being held for three consecutive days.

  3. 2024年4月25日 · The Government today announced that Private Secretary to the Chief Executive Kevin Choi will take up the post of Permanent Secretary, Chief Executive's Office on May 14, succeeding Daniel Cheng who will commence pre-retirement leave.

  4. 2021年3月26日 · 2021年3月26日. 政府 公布 ,行政長官委任梁美儀為食物及環境衞生諮詢委員會主席,委員會並有十名新成員加入,六名現任成員續任。 各人任期均為兩年,4月1日生效。 梁美儀是香港城市大學化學系環境毒理及化學講座教授和海洋污染國家重點實驗室主任,曾於2013至2019年擔任該委員會委員。 食物及衞生局局長陳肇始歡迎任命,指梁美儀曾長時間出任委員會成員,具豐富經驗及專業知識。 她並向即將離任的委員會主席盧毓琳和另外十名成員致謝。 食物及環境衞生諮詢委員會屬非法定機構,就食物安全及環境衞生事宜提供意見。 .

  5. 2018年11月1日 · Dr Tony Ko has been appointed as Hospital Authority Chief Executive from August 1, 2019 for three years, succeeding Dr Leung Pak-yin, the Hospital Authority announced today.

  6. 2017年3月21日 · Since the enactment of the Racial Discrimination Ordinance back in 2008, the Equal Opportunities Commission (today we have both the current and the former chairmen here - Professor (Alfred) Chan and Dr (York) Chow) has endeavoured to increase public understanding of the law and promote cultural inclusion through a diversity of publicity and educ...

  7. 2021年8月13日 · The Director of Public Prosecutions is responsible for directing public prosecutions and advising on the development, enforcement and implementation of criminal law. Ms Yang was selected for the position through a promotion and open recruitment exercise.

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