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    位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.


  1. 查找附近的 Calvin Klein 專門店及查閱專門店資訊,包括電話號碼、地址、營業時間等。.

  2. Find a nearby CALVIN KLEIN store right now. View store information including phone numbers, address, hours and more.

  3. 其他人也問了

  4. Calvin Klein has been an iconic fashion brand since 1968, known for its sexy and fashionable clothing, underwear, shoes, and accessories. Whether looking for comfortable and stylish jeans, tees, hoodies, and sneakers for a casual look or elevated wardrobe staples from the Menswear and Womenswear collections, CK has something for everyone.

    • 2178 0518
    • customerservicehk@calvinklein.com
  5. Calvin Klein Underwear HK operates a network of 14 stores in Hong Kong, including one shop within Langham Place mall (8 Argyle Street). Founded in 1982, the label has been credited for being the first global designer underwear brand in the market.

  6. 香港銅鑼灣勿地臣街1號, TIMES SQUARE / Lane Crawford, L7 七樓, 710-712舖

  7. There are seven Calvin Klein Jeans store locations in Hong Kong, including one shop within Harbour City's Gateway Arcade (3-27 Canton Road).

  8. CALVIN KLEIN UNDERWEAR是全球著名的世界性男女內衣品牌,以性感、劃時代的男女內衣產品見稱,CALVIN KLEIN PERFORMANCE則售賣注入活力時尚、頂級剪裁的機能性服飾。