雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 同年引進家居保險箱(夾萬)概念,成爲香港首家以家居概念推銷保險箱(夾萬)的公司,並且取得極大的成功,翌年更取得美國Noble及日本Anbea等名牌保險箱(夾萬)國內生産權,以美國及日本團隊的生産技術爲基礎生産保險箱(夾萬),並將製成品出口往歐洲及日本

  2. THE SAFE BOX INSTRUCTION MANUAL. Tip: Please do not leave the emergency key in the safe! OPENING YOUR SAFE FOR THE FIRST TIME. 1 Pick up the dust plug and expose the emergency keyhole passage. 2 Insert the emergency key into the keyhole and rotate it counterclockwise. 3 Turn the knob clockwise and the door will be opened.

  3. iam41lan.wixsite.com › anbea-international › our-products-c1iwz安普國際 | 產品介紹

    ANBEA - AB系列防火保險箱 全面保護您的貴重物品。 AB系列產品均採用特殊泡沫混凝土物料,以提供對抗高溫最有效的隔熱效果。精準的產品設計,保證所有接口和接縫有效隔絕火燄燃燒。

  4. 安普國際保險箱 門市地址: 九龍旺角彌敦道717號D舖 灣仔軒尼詩道339號地.

  5. Description. Fireproof electronic password + key safe. 2 hours fire resistance. Size: 490W x 460D x 360H (mm)/57kg. Accessories : 1 drawer. Schedule delivery within 10-14 days. To Kowloon, Monday and Thursday, Hong Kong, Tuesday and Saturday, New Territories on Wednesday and Friday.

  6. iam41lan.wixsite.com › anbea-international › copy-of-tj安普國際 | TJ系列

    產品功能介紹 : 流線弧形設計,細緻美觀合金面板工藝製作. 盡顯智能隱藏式內門,安全實用. 當箱門關閉時,倒鉤會自動勾在橫樑上,當外力撬動時,緊緊鎖住橫樑. 獨一無二人性化控制系統,液晶顯示面板,內置警鐘及指示燈,可翻查開啟紀錄. 操作示範 : This video is private. Watch on. 相關下載 : 宣傳單張下載. 使用說明書下載.

  7. Description. LCD display panel safe. Built-in alarm with LED light, 60 to 90 minutes fire protection. Size: 405W x 465D x 525H (mm)/58kg. Accessories : 1 drawer, 1shelf. Schedule delivery within 10-14 days. To Kowloon, Monday and Thursday, Hong Kong, Tuesday and Saturday, New Territories on Wednesday and Friday.