雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 這首歌由吉他伴奏,Simon和Garfunkel合唱,收入他們1966年的專輯Sound.

  2. 西洋經典名歌"The Sounds of Silence (沈默之聲)",版本眾多,改編成鋼琴獨奏.在不同段落採用不同的伴奏型態.本琴譜難易度上屬於中等.全曲是e小調.後半段右手八度音較多,左手位置開離.必須移位迅速,所以需花些時間練習.琴譜共3頁.這份琴譜提供的試聽音樂是由Overture ...

  3. This page shows 1 page sample along with sheet music player. Full sheet music contains 2 pages. Format of sheet music file is pdf. SPECIAL OFFER and DISCOUNT! Sheet items in cart Up to 2, POINTS 5% OFF. Up to 3, POINTS 10% OFF. Up to 5, 20% OFF. Up to 10, 25% OFF. Up to 20, 30% OFF!8/8前此區琴譜標題含「 父親 」關鍵字,購物車 ...

  4. 鋼琴譜下載 - 廷廷的鋼琴窩 (五線譜、簡譜) Piano Sheet Music Download :: [詩歌]讚美之泉---深觸我心伴奏譜 (含歌詞) View Piano Video. (No guarantee this MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please reference the completely consistent sheet music player) . View Youtube Video.

  5. Sheet Music Performance MV. 比較難上手的是第一段主歌, 我特地標上指法可以參考, 和弦跟伴奏模式算簡單, 有常彈我的譜會蠻好上手的, 雖然乍看之下蠻多段落重複, 但有些音的排列組合有些微不同~ 還沒聽過的不要錯過,喜歡的歡迎購譜支持! This sheet music composer Nicepianosheets has passed the quality certification, welcome to click me to request him to make sheet music for you. Sheet music player not working? Can't preview sheet?

  6. Class:. 聞人聽書所演唱的"一笑江湖 (科目三) (抖音熱播DJ版)",路易斯製作成鋼琴原調獨奏樂譜,全曲總共10頁,原調為bb小調,a小調放在首頁 (無轉調),可選擇列印你所需要的前5頁,試聽音檔是由Sibelius轉檔而成,演奏時可加入個人情感進去。.

  7. 2019年6月19日 · Up to 10, 25% OFF. Up to 20, 30% OFF!7/7前此區琴譜標題含「 四手聯彈 」關鍵字,購物車結帳加碼再打9折!. Note: There is no guarantee that the MV completely consistent with the music played by the sheet music. Please listen to the sheet music player (completely consistent) on the top of this page for reference ...