2024年7月5日 · Use 'suggestions on' when providing advice or recommendations on specific topics or issues. Examples: Do you have any suggestions on how to improve customer service? I need some suggestions on where to go for my vacation. Show examples from the web [+] Last updated: October 21, 2024. Alternatives: recommendations on. advice on. ideas on.
2023年10月29日 · Any Suggestions: This phrase is the plural form and is used when you are looking for multiple ideas or recommendations. It implies that you are open to receiving a variety of responses. Any Suggestion: In contrast, "any suggestion" is the singular form and is used when you are seeking a single idea or recommendation.
B1. an idea, plan, or action that is suggested or the act of suggesting it. 提議;建議. I don't know what to wear tonight - do you have any suggestions? 我不知道今晚該穿甚麼——你有甚麼建議嗎? She made some very helpful suggestions but her boss rejected them all. 她提了些很有幫助的建議,但被她的老闆全部否定了。 [ + that ] They didn't like my suggestion that we should all share the cost.
High quality example sentences with “any suggestions on” in context from reliable sources - Ludwig is the linguistic search engine that helps you to write better in English
2016年2月28日 · 除了「You should…」開頭的英文句子,EngVid講師Alex要跟大家分享更正式的給他人建議的方式!. 常見的建議動詞有:「recommend, suggest, propose, advise, urge, encourage」。. 上述皆為表示「建議(Advice)」的動詞(Verb)。. 今天我們假設一個情境:朋友需要更好的工作 ...
2021年12月28日 · 日常英文, 英文學習. 「建議、推薦、給予意見」六大動詞. 第一類: Suggest / Recommend / Propose. 用法: suggest/recommend/propose + V-ing (動名詞). 例子:I suggest updating (動名詞) your resume. suggest/recommend/propose + N (名詞). 例子:I recommend your updating (名詞) your resume. suggest/recommend/propose that +子句. 例子:I propose that you updating your resume. (子句) 常犯錯誤.
2019年8月8日 · suggest的中文意思是建議的意思。 大致上的句子結構,跟recommend是差不多的。 同樣也不能用 suggest + (主詞)+ to 這樣的用法。 例:I suggested that we should meet. 我建議我們見個面。 例:I suggest you try the apple pie. 我建議你試試這蘋果派. 例:I suggest visiting Japan. 我建議參訪日本。 基本上recommend(推薦)跟suggest(建議)的句子結構是差不多的,一個中文意思偏推薦,一個中文意思偏建議。