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  1. 2020年7月13日 · at the end 的用法. 首先,end 有「最後部分、末尾」的意思,而 at the end 一般會在後面搭配 of something 表示 「在某事物的最後或末尾」 ,像 at the end of the month(月底)、 at the end of the street(街道盡頭)、 at the end of the document(文件最末)。 來看幾個例子: The phone bill will be sent at the end of each month.(電話費帳單會在每月月底寄發。 You’ll find the hotel at the end of the street.(你會在街道盡頭找到那棟旅館。

  2. 其中 at the end 更多的是用它的字面意思,表示在某个名词的结尾或末端,这个名词可以是一个物理对象,一段时间,一个事件,一个地方,或者更抽象的东西,比如一个人的耐心,而 in the end 中的 end 是指一般的“end”区域,是一个习惯用语,意为“最后

  3. 2021年3月26日 · 1. 「At the end」 指 「一段時間的末尾」。 We’re going to go to the beach at the end of the month. If at the end of the video you don’t quite understand, watch it again. 2. 「In the end」 指 「最後,最終」。 In the end, we decided not to go to the beach. In the

  4. At the end is commonly used as a prepositional phrase that refers to a specific time or location. His house is located at the end of the street. In the end is a phrase that is synonymous to “in conclusion,” or “ultimately.” In the end, I decided on the bouquet of tulips. . Is It “At The End” or “In The End”?

  5. "At the end"是用來表示「完結的時侯」,比如"At the end of today"是指「今天完的時候」、"At the end of the movie"是指「電影完結的時候」,它的「反義詞」是"At the beginning"「開始的時候」。 (1) Someone passed out at the end of the movie. 電影完結的時候,有人暈倒。 (2) The contestants shook hands at the end of the game. 參賽者在遊戲完結的時候握手。 (3) We have to submit an assignment at the end of the course.

  6. 用法总结. 1 “At the end” 指 “一段时间的末尾”。 We’re going to go to the beach at the end of the month. If at the end of the video you don’t quite understand, watch it again. 2 “In the end” 指 “最后,最终”。 In the end, we decided not to go to the beach. In the end, you might just find it useful. 搭配 “at the end” 和 “in the end” 之间只有一个介词的差别,但它们的含义和用法却不同。

  7. 1. “At the end” 指 “一段时间的末尾”。 We’re going to go to the beach at the end of the month. If at the end of the video you don’t quite understand, watch it again. 2. “In the end” 指 “最后,最终”。 In the...

  8. 在英文解释里: at the last - rowel - terminal. 中文: 底 - 建安. 标题中含有单词 'at the end' 的论坛讨论: at the beginning / end of the year. At the end of the hall. Cantonese: 住 at the end of a sentence. Pronunciation: third tone at the end of a sentence. 之 (at the end of a clause) "... , or is it?" at the end of a sentence - English Only forum.

  9. 前者「at the end (of sth)」意思為「…的盡頭」,多用來表示具體的地點、方位或時間點的末端。 👉The car stopped at the end of the road. 那輛汽車在 路的 盡頭停住了。 後者「in the end」意旨「最後」,近似於單字「finally」的意思,用來表達比喻性的結尾,而非真正的時間點。 👉At the first, Ingrid said she wouldn't accept the job in China. In the end though, she did. 英格麗一開始說她不會接下那份在中國的工作,不過最後她還是答應了。 🔹快來發摟4U粉專 英文學習不間斷!

  10. 2020年7月18日 · in the end. at the end. in the beginning. at the beginning. end有「最後部分、末尾」的意思,而at the end一般會在後面搭配of something表示「在某事物的最後或末尾」;in the end則有finally(最後)的意思,後面不加上of something。

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