雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 暫准進口證 (ATA Carnet) 是一份國際海關專用文件,可說是貨物 的旅遊證件,持證人可憑此證攜帶貨物免關稅和應課稅項暫准進口多國。 香港總商會是香港唯一的擔保機構,並獲授權簽發此證。

    • Ata Carnet

      The Chamber provides an online Carnet service, which ...

    • 暫准進口證

      暫准進口證 - 暫准進口證 - 服務簡介 - 香港總商會 - Hong ...

    • 申請程序

      申請程序 - 暫准進口證 - 服務簡介 - 香港總商會 - Hong ...

  2. 批署程序. 當暫准進口證涵蓋的貨物在入境站/出境站進行貨物清關時,海關人員會核對相關的貨物資料,並在暫准進口證的相對憑單上簽註。. 入口商及出口商亦無須為該等貨物向海關關長遞交進口或出口報關單。. 除非法例上作出豁免規定,否則領有暫准進口 ...

  3. ATA Carnet is an international customs document that permits Carnet holders to temporarily import goods without paying import taxes and duties. It is similar to a travel passport for goods. The Chamber is the sole guaranteeing and issuing body for Carnets in Hong Kong.

  4. The Chamber provides an online Carnet service, which makes the Carnet application procedure simple and efficient. Chamber staff verify online data, notify users of the result, then print the Carnet for customers.

  5. 2022年5月16日 · ATA Carnets. The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) Government accedes to the "Istanbul Convention" to accept ATA Carnets issued under the Convention for temporary admission of the following goods (except those sent by postal traffic) into the HKSAR: goods for display or use at exhibition, fairs, meetings or similar events;

  6. 其他人也問了

  7. The ATA Carnet, also referred to as a ”Merchandise Passport,” or “Passport for Goods”, is an international customs document that allows for temporary entry of goods on a duty-free and tax-free basis, whether shipped or hand-carried.

  8. An ATA Carnet is a customs document that permits the holder to temporary import goods specified in the Carnet to designated customs territories free of duty and may be exempted from certain customs documents, provided that the goods is re-exported intact.

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