biochemistry 出路 hong kong 相關
廣告Studies provide insights into structure, function, and regulation of biological molecules. Studies that illuminate complex biological processes using chemical tools and approaches.
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位於九龍核心地段,毗鄰匯集購物、消閒和文化藝術的尖沙咀,讓生活節奏時刻緊貼香港的繁華脈搏。 交通便利,鄰近港鐵尖沙咀、紅磡及黃埔站、海底隧道及碼頭,酒店更提供穿梭巴士服務.
2019年2月18日 · BioChemistry有咩出路? BioChemistry讀咩? 1. BioChem簡介. Biochem主要關於生物體 (organism)入面的化學過程,研究細胞內生物大分子(biomacromolecule)例如蛋白質、DNA等的結構和功能。 2. 大學相關課程. 香港的大學沒有為BioChem設立專門的課程,各所大學的修讀方法都是先入讀理學士的學位課程,然後再在大學二年級選擇以BioChem作為主修。 2.1 JS6901 HKU – Bachelor of Science. 學額:305.
Biochemistry Programme. Biochemistry has led to many new discoveries and techniques that have revolutionized the concept of life and the applications of biological principles. Our program is committed to contribute significantly in the generation of new knowledge and in training of our younger generations on these new and exciting developments ...
What is a Biochemistry Programme?
How do biochemistry majors get paid in Hong Kong?
Where can I find a dictionary of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology?
What is a biochemistry course?
When did CUHK start a biochemistry department?
What is Clinical Biochemistry?
生物化學及細胞生物學的畢業生有廣闊的出路,課程為學生日後深造,或在學術、醫學或生化技術研究中就業作好準備。 此外,憑藉堅實的基礎,畢業生可以投身公私營機構,從事需要受過專門職業訓練的行業, 例如:醫療保健、生物科技及教育業。
The Major in Biochemistry offered by the School of Biomedical Sciences is designed to provide students with both basic and advanced knowledge in modern biochemistry and molecular biology. Our goal is to develop and equip students with enough critical thinking and analytical skills so that they can embark on a career in biochemical sciences.
The Biochemistry Programme curriculum emphasizes on current topics in biochemistry and molecular biology that have scientific, medical and social significance. We provide core knowledge training on classical biochemistry topics, e.g. metabolism, proteins & enzymes, neuroscience, immunology, and endocrinology.
In addition to courses on general and specialized Biochemistry topics, the Biochemistry Programme also emphasizes on experiential and group learning the cultivation of generic skills. as well as Relevant courses offered include BCHE2070 Research Internship, BCHE3092 Self-study Modules
THE CHINESE UNIVERSITY OF HONG KONG School of Life Sciences Biochemistry Programme <@
biochemistry 出路 hong kong 相關
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