雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. 2023年1月31日 · rabbitbunny、hare 差異? rabbit 可用來泛指所有的兔子,但更常用來講 家中的寵物兔 ,也可以是 兔肉 (沒錯,有些國家的人會吃兔肉)。 bunny 則是可愛的小孩用語,類似中文的「小兔兔」。

  2. bunnyrabbit的区别是:意思不完全相同、用法不同、侧重点不同. 一、意思不完全相同. 1、bunny的意思是: 兔子. 例句: The children wanted to pat the bunny. 孩子们想轻拍这只兔子。 2、rabbit的意思是: 兔; 野兔;兔肉;猎兔;捕兔. 例句: Effects of Feeding Leguminous Grass Powder on Rabbit Meat Quality . 山地豆科牧草草粉对兔肉品质影响效果研究。 二、用法不同. 1、bunny:用作名词,是一种比较可爱的称呼,也就是所谓的昵称。 2、rabbit:用作名词时,表示野兔、家兔、兔肉、兔子的皮毛、胆小的人的含义;用作动词时表示猎兔、打兔子、咒骂、抱怨等含义。

  3. en.wikipedia.org › wiki › RabbitRabbit - Wikipedia

    Rabbit - Wikipedia. Rabbits are small mammals in the family Leporidae (which also includes the hares ), which is in the order Lagomorpha (which also includes pikas ). The European rabbit, Oryctolagus cuniculus is the ancestor of the world's hundreds of breeds [1] of domestic rabbit.

  4. 2024年1月26日 · Have you ever gotten in an argument over whether that furry animal with floppy ears is a bunny vs. rabbit? People often use the words "bunny" and "rabbit" interchangeably when referring to the cute creatures within the family Leporidae. But are they really the Yes!

  5. rabbithare 、bunny的区别区别在于三者指代的范围大小不同。 rabbit 泛指所有兔子,尤其是家兔;hare指纯野兔;bunny指可爱的小兔子;bunny是小兔子,属于一种比较可爱的称呼,也就是所谓的昵称。

  6. The Rabbit is any number of mammals in the Leporidae family. Rabbits, also known as “bunnies,” are closely related to hares and pikas. Researchers recognize 17 different species of these animals, and 8 different taxonomic genuses. Read on to learn about the .

  7. 2016年3月29日 · 大家都知道,兔子在英文裡有「Rabbit」和「Bunny」兩種說法。. 但誰知道RabbitBunny有甚麼分別?. 它們都代表兔科 (Leporidae) 兔形目 (Lagomorpha) 的動物——兔子。. 因為在音調上比較可愛,Bunny向來是Rabbit的非正式和兒童式說法,但其實這名字也來之有因。. 兔子 ...

  8. 2021年11月22日 · 🔠Facebook粉專-英文教學分享/閱讀推廣https://www.facebook.com/duckierifle/🎦免費英文學習交流平台https://www.facebook.com/SophiaTeacher ...

  9. 2024年6月27日 · Rabbit, any of 29 species of long-eared mammals belonging to the family Leporidae, excluding hares (genus Lepus). Rabbits are ground dwellers whose habitat ranges from deserts to tropical forests and wetlands. Rabbits differ from hares in size, life history, and

  10. At times, it's hard to show just how cute bunnies are in just a single video, so here's a baby bunny compilation featuring the cutest, funniest, and most adorable baby bunnies from my past...

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