雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. <Template: Mutual Release and Settlement Agreement for a Traffic Accident> (Note: This agreement is applicable to minor collisions, no body injury involved, and no damage to the government or third-party property, and your right of claim could be forfeited by

  2. 交通意外賠償. 遇到交通意外時,如在 迴旋處 等比較容易發生交通意外的地方,最重要第一時間處理,若交通意外不涉及傷亡,或者交通意外不涉及第三者或政府的財物損失的話,應先立即停車,亮起 危險警告燈(死火燈) 向其他道路使用者示警,將車輛移到 ...

  3. 意思是,面對輕微的交通意外,即不涉及嚴重財物損失及無人受傷的事故(如刮花車輛、輕微碰撞),可以考慮進行和解,直接向對方索償賠款或賠償。 肇事駕駛者應該拍攝現場照片或短片,拍下或抄下車牌號碼,記下駕駛者雙方電話號碼,以及交通意外位置、財物損失及目擊者資料。 如果交通意外涉及嚴重損毀或人命傷亡,便不應隨便移動車輛,應立即亮起死火燈及報警求助。 政府財物損毀所需賠償金額. 若意外涉及損毀政府財物,政府有權向事主追討損失。 當決定損毀及要維修的範圍後,相關部門便會向事主發出付款通知書追討賠償。 以下為各項政府財物損毀所需賠償金額: 和解條件及共識. 要達成和解,雙方必須:

  4. 2023年8月25日 · A car accident waiver and release of liability, also referred to as asettlement agreement,” is a legally binding document that, when signed, guarantees that a settlement will be finalized outside of the legal system.

  5. This document is an agreement between David Blair y Campbell (Party 1) and an unnamed party (Party 2) to settle amicably an incident involving a vehicular accident on May 22, 2021 along Tagaytay-Santa Rosa Road in Tagaytay City. Party 1 was driving a Ford pickup truck and Party 2 was driving a motorcycle with two backriders.

  6. Private settlement. Q1. Does such kind of settlement contract preclude the right of the parties to report the accident to the Police? Q2.

  7. 2024年2月8日 · A car accident waiver and release of liability, also known as a “settlement agreement,” is designed to resolve disputes arising from minor car accidents. It allows the involved parties to settle damages and injuries outside the legal system, avoiding the complexities and costs associated with court proceedings.

  8. This pamphlet is intended to explain in general terms the objective of the scheme, its eligibility criteria, application procedure, statutory obligation, payments and means of redress. Objective. The scheme is administered by the Social Welfare Department and financed by the Traffic Accident Victims Assistance Fund.

  9. 2024年2月14日 · Description of the accident: In the release form for car accident, provide a detailed, factual account of the accident, including the date, time, and location. Settlement details: Specify the agreed-upon settlement, including any amount to be paid by the releasee.

  10. 2023年6月28日 · A car accident settlement agreement form is a document agreeing to: Resolve the parties' differences with each other. Dismiss personal injury claims. Release the opposing parties from liability. Settlement agreement forms are also sometimes called releases or waivers. A settlement agreement becomes enforceable upon signing by both parties.

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