雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Name變換君可快速將你的名字翻譯並轉換成日文漢字和假名,並提供日語讀音。 方便您在日本網站購物或預訂酒店填寫名字時更加便利! 快來查詢您的日文名字吧!

  2. フリガナ(ふりがな)是指日語文章中對漢字進行注音的一種方式。 在日本,由於漢字讀音有時會因人而異,且對於初學者或外國人而言,辨識漢字的讀音不一定容易,因此常常需要在漢字旁邊標示フリガナ,以方便閱讀者正確讀出該詞的發音。 使用フリガナ的時機,主要是在以下幾種情況下: 在日文文章或書籍中,對於一些較為難懂或不常用的漢字,需要標注フリガナ,以方便讀者理解。 對於初學日語的人而言,在日語文章中標示フリガナ,可以幫助他們快速學習和記憶生字詞的發音。 在一些官方文件或表格中,需要填寫姓名,此時需要在姓名欄位的旁邊填寫フリガナ,以確保填寫者的姓名能夠被正確理解和發音。 為何需要中文姓名轉日文片假名? 對於許多想要去日本遊玩或是商務需求的台灣人來說,常常會有需要將中文姓名轉日文片假名的需求。

  3. The Name Conversion Master provides an online tool to instantly convert Chinese names into Japanese kanji, hiragana, katakana, romaji, and katakana for Chinese readings. Simply enter your name and explore your Japanese name.

  4. Convert! Your name in Japanese katakana. To get started, enter your name in English.

  5. translate.google.com.hkGoogle 翻譯

    Google 提供的服務無須支付費用,可讓您即時翻譯英文和超過 100 種其他語言的文字、詞組和網頁。.

  6. 2022年8月14日 · Im Chinese and my name is 陈依仁 (Chén Yī Rén). Can I use this as my Japanese name, and if so how do I read it in Japanese? Or would it be better to use the Katakana version of my English name which is タン・スジン?

  7. A tool to find your name into Japanese. Enter your name below, your name will be translated into Japanese Kanji, Katakana, Furigana and Romaji, which is convenient for everyone to book various accommodation, transportation or activities when traveling in Japan.

  8. Convert your name to Japanese(Kanji/Katakana). You can also purchase the product printed with your name conversion. Find The Perfect Gift For A Japan Lover!

  9. Translate your name into Japanese Katakana. Type your first or last name into the field below to get your name in Japanese Katanana, Hiragana, and Romaji. Start typing your name.

  10. 2023年9月27日 · What are the Chinese Names to Japanese. In this section, we will explore four categories of names that are commonly converted from Chinese to Japanese. Each category will include 15 unique names, their Kanji text, pronunciation, and meaning. Traditional Names. Family Names. Given Names. Modern Names.