雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. ciphe.org.hkCIPHE

    Tel : (852) 2417 0091 Email : info@ciphe.org.hk

  2. The CIPHE's Hong Kong Branch represents over 1,600 members in the Hong Kong region and acts as the professional body for those in the plumbing & heating industry.

  3. ciphe.org.hk › CIPHE_HKBCIPHE

    Founded in 1906, the Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering (CIPHE) is the professional body for the UK plumbing and heating industry. The Institute of Plumbing -Hong Kong Council (IoP-HKC) was established officially in 1989 by Mr. Gerry Stokes.

  4. 2021年3月25日 · CIPHE水務學會改入會要求. #1. 發表於 2021-3-14 12:53. 只看該作者. 大 中 小. 繁 簡. 有冇師兄同我一樣2020年尾入表,收到水會reject email,話2021年1月13日後工作經驗要係取得相關學歷後五年工作經驗(以前係五年工作經驗). UID. 369691.

  5. ciphe.org.hk › Events_CalendarCIPHE

    CIPHE. Events List. Training Course on Energy Audit for Building Energy Efficiency. 6:30pm - 9:45pmu000b. 3,5,10&12 September 2024 (Tue & Thu) Venue: Webinar. Course Objectives:

  6. CIPHE HKB, Hong Kong. 169 likes. The Chartered Institute of Plumbing and Heating Engineering - Hong Kong Branch is to provide better.

  7. 想搵2位有英國特許水學會(CIPHE)資深會員 Ching 簽名 識人介紹都可以 想報班 感激不盡 香港討論區

  8. 2021年3月14日 · 香港討論區 » 工程 Engineering » CIPHE水務學會改入會要求. 查看完整版本 : CIPHE水務學會改入會要求. 不舉子 2021-3-14 12:53. 有冇師兄同我一樣2020年尾入表,收到水會reject email,話2021年1月13日後工作經驗要係取得相關學歷後五年工作經驗(以前係五年工作經驗) karin05 2021-3-14 20:42.

  9. 專業資格互認協議. The Hong Kong Institution of Engineers has established close relationship with engineering institutions/authorities throughout the world. It has signed agreements for reciprocal recognition of professional and technologist qualifications with many engineering institutions/authorities. These include:

  10. ciphe.org.hk › Join_CIPHECIPHE

    Join CIPHE Engineering Council Events Events List Photo Gallery Education & Development Professional Dipoma Continuous Professional Development (CPD) LP Credit P&H Engineering Professional Plumber Practical Examination (PPPE) YMC Join Young × ...