雅虎香港 搜尋


  1. Civil law is a legal system originating in Italy and France that has been adopted in large parts of the world. Modern civil law stems mainly from the Napoleonic Code of the early 19th century, and it is a continuation of ancient Roman law. Its core principles are codified into a referable system, which serves as the primary source of law.

  2. 民法法系 (英語: Civil law ),亦稱 欧陆法系 、 大陸法系 、 法典法系 、 市民法系 、 罗马法系 或 罗马-日耳曼法系 ,是以 罗马法 为基准,并与日耳曼习惯法、教会法、商法、封建法及其他习惯法结合而形成的 法律体系 [1] ,起源于 歐洲大陸 ,与 ...

  3. 2020年1月12日 · Civil law is a legal system, influenced by the sixth-century Justinian Code. Civil law predates common law, which is used throughout the United States. The U.S. legal system divides offenses into two categories: criminal and civil.

  4. the legal system. It also has a specialist unit that addresses the need for advice on (and promotes understanding of) Mainland Law. The Civil Division provides legal advice to the Government on civil law, drafts commercial contracts and

  5. 香港的法律制度. 香港特別行政區 (香港特區)的法律制度建基於 法治 和 司法獨立的原則 ,其憲制框架來自中華人民共和國 (中國)全國人民代表大會根據《中國憲法》第三十一條制定的 《基本法》 。. 根據“一國兩制”原則,香港特區的法律制度有別於中國內地 ...

  6. The legal system of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) is based on the principles of the rule of law and the independence of the judiciary. The constitutional framework for the legal system is provided by the Basic Law enacted by the National People’s Congress of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) in accordance with ...

  7. 回顧歷史,至少自十五世紀以來,法官的判決記錄逐步構成詳細的法律原則,規管國家與公民之間和公民互相之間的關係。. 現時,源自普通法適用地區的經彙報案例已盈千累萬,形成普通法。. 有關言論自由、集會自由及免受任意逮捕或監禁的權利,在三百多年 ...

  8. The most obvious difference between civil law and common law systems is that the civil law system is codified, whereas the common law is based mainly on case law. Civil Law Codes Civil law is based on comprehensive codes designed to regulate every area of

  9. 2022年10月5日 · Those myths include the widespread idea that common law — rooted in England and also practiced in the United States — involves precedent, or deference to previously published judicial opinion, while civil law, practiced in much of Europe and elsewhere in the world, does not.

  10. Civil law, or continental law, is the predominant system of law in the world, with its origins in Roman law, and sets out a comprehensive system of rules, usually codified, that are applied and interpreted by judges.

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